I have two macro that I would like to combine them into one

The first Macro select a range of data based on the value in column J

The second saves the entire worksheet as a csv file.

I want only to save the selected data as csv. can this be done?

Thank You

Sub SelectByCellValue()
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim xRg As Range, yRg As Range
    'change Sheet1 to suit
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("UPLOAD")
        lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Row
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For Each xRg In .Range("J1:C" & lastrow)
            If UCase(xRg.Text) = "FALSE" Then
                If yRg Is Nothing Then
                    Set yRg = .Range("A" & xRg.Row).Resize(, 5)
                    Set yRg = Union(yRg, .Range("A" & xRg.Row).Resize(, 5))
                End If
            End If
        Next xRg
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End With
    If Not yRg Is Nothing Then yRg.Select
End Sub

Sub CopyToCSV()
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFileName As String
'The path and file names:
MyPath = "C:\Temp"
MyFileName = "Journal" & Format(Date, "ddmmyyhhmmss")
'Makes sure the path name ends with "\":
If Not Right(MyPath, 1) = "\" Then MyPath = MyPath & "\"
'Makes sure the filename ends with ".csv"
If Not Right(MyFileName, 4) = ".csv" Then MyFileName = MyFileName & ".csv"
'Copies the sheet to a new workbook:
'The new workbook becomes Activeworkbook:
With ActiveWorkbook
'Saves the new workbook to given folder / filename:
    .SaveAs Filename:= _
        MyPath & MyFileName, _
        FileFormat:=xlCSV, _
'Closes the file
    .Close False
End With
End Sub