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A single workbook used to manage 30 districts using vba

  1. #1
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    A single workbook used to manage 30 districts using vba


    im a newbie in VBA and i kindly ask for your help.

    I am developing a workbook to manage a powerline project. All activities recorded on a daily basis for each scheme under a district which is also under a region. I have 4 regions with about 30 districts each. Each district also has about 30 schemes.

    What i want to do is; have a sheet with controls(drop downs) to select region, another for a district and lastly a scheme. then that should take me to a sheet for that scheme which will contain and monthly report table with daily activities.

    I want this workbook to be in a form of a template whereby a user can add districts to regions and then schemes to districts. so i assume there will have to be a data input form which will save data into tables from which the drop downs will collect data.

    the selection of a scheme should also be invoking a creation of a sheet and paste a template report table.

    This is how it will be used.

    A user enters the schemes per district per region once and on a daily, enter activities per scheme.

    The workbook should also be able to compile data per district and per region to provide a monthly report.

    I will be very grateful to get a solutions from here.

    Thank you.

    failed to attach template for a scheme daily activities.
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    Last edited by Colin Kuteesa; 01-26-2020 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: A single workbook used to manage 30 districts using vba

    Hi and welcome
    1. Our answerers are looking to "help" more often than they are looking to "do an entire project for you for free".
    2. Jump into this project yourself, when you get stuck on ONE specific hurdle, post that ONE item as a forum question.
    3. Show us what you've tried in an attached sample workbook and how it's not working for you. When you're doing the work yourself, just writing out a complete example question in a forum often points you to solution before you even finish posting.
    4. If you can't make any headway at all and no help is forthcoming in the free forum(s), we do have a Commercial Services forum where you can pay for assistance directly from our EF gurus."
    Last edited by Pepe Le Mokko; 01-26-2020 at 04:04 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: A single workbook used to manage 30 districts using vba

    Thank you for your reply Pepe.

    Now, i managed to create a table with districts as headers and the table contents being the schemes. So made a userform with dependent drop downs that select the schemes and districts using the table earlier created. So when i select the scheme, a spreadsheet with the scheme name opens. Thats where i am now.

    i now want to be able to create new spreadsheets with scheme names using the table i have. i want when one updates the table of schemes with new ones, a spreadsheet with a similar names be also created automatically. i have tried but hit dead ends all through. need help.

    i have attached a workbook called "reports"
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    Last edited by Colin Kuteesa; 01-26-2020 at 10:57 AM.

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