I am relatively new with VBA and muddle my way through.
I recorded a macro to get an idea of how to create changed font size to 1 in selected ranges.
Then I deleted most of the 'fluff' from the recorded macro to get this.
I have been trying for a few hours to make this work with different things but to no avail.
Can someone give me some insight on this please and thank you.

Sub FontSzSmall()
' FontSzSmall Macro
' Change Prices to size 1 font

    Sheets(Array("order", "order (2)", "order (3)", "order (4)", "order (5)", _
        "order (6)")).Select
    Range("S15:U53,J52:L52,J53:L53").Font.Size = 1
    Range("U14:V50,T53:V53,R51:S51,U51,J53:L53").Font.Size = 1
    Range("T14:V21,U24:V31,T33:V40,U43:V50,D53:F53,J53:L53,T53:V53,R51:S51").Font.Size = 1
    Sheets("panels (2)").Select
    Range("T14:V21,U24:V31,T33:V40,U43:V50,T53:V53,R51:S51,J53:L53,D53:F53").Font.Size = 1
    Sheets(Array("altpan", "altpan (2)")).Select
    Range("U14:V31,U34:V37,U40:V42,U45:V50,T52:V52,R51:S51,O52:P52,J52:L52,D52:F52" _
        ).Font.Size = 1
    Range("T14:V20,T23:V29,T32:V38,T41:V50,R51:S51,T53:V53").Font.Size = 1
    Sheets(Array("filcol", "filcol (2)")).Select
    Range("U15:V22,U25:V32,U35:V39,U42:V43,U44:V44,U47:V51,S52:T52,T54:V54").Font.Size = 1
    Range("U15:V18,U21:V24,U27:V30,U33:V36,U39:V42,U45:V51,T54:V54,T53:V53").Font.Size = 1

    Sheets(Array("custom", "custom2", "custom3")).Select
    Range("K16:K53").Font.Size = 1
   End Sub