Currently have a workbook that has two user forms. 1st form is used for data entry and has 15 fields (userform1). Once a user completes the form, he or she can click on the button "add data to table" and the inputted data is then pasted into a separate tab as a new record. The second user form contains a listbox that shows all existing data entries in a list (userform2). Ideally, I'd like to be able to select an existing record from the list, have the current data displayed in userform1, make changes and then update the existing record in the sheet where all data is being stored. I've seen lots of examples online but none involve selecting and updating records from a list box. In reality, it would be easy for a user to simply go to the tab where the existing record is stored and manually update but I'd like to be able to do it in a form in order to reduce the likelihood of erroneous entries or mistakes being made.

First time posting on this forum so please let me know if I haven't clearly articulated my current challenge and thank you in advance to anyone who can help.