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HELP - VBA to generate a list based on what is selected from multiple check boxes

  1. #1
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    Post HELP - VBA to generate a list based on what is selected from multiple check boxes


    I am looking to generate a Packing list (similar to what is in the Packing_List_Template tab in the file attached) based on what checkboxes are ticked in the "Form" Tab. Data is stored in the "Data_PckList" Tab

    So, the user will select all puppets needed and click on "Packing List" Button, which will generate a PDF with the Packing list.

    In the Packing lits we would need each Puppet separated (their names automatically populated with the names clicked in the Form) and showing their "Main components", "Tech" and "Other" components and then all tools combined from all puppets at the bottom.

    Ideally the List would auto-design, depending on how many puppets are selected.
    For example, if just one puppet selected, it would show the Puppet name, component list and tool list. If two, would look like as the example in Packing_List tab and if more, it would just add another 2 puppets per page and then the Tools at the bottom.

    I use Excel for Mac version 16.40

    Any help is welcomed
    Thank you
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert torachan's Avatar
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    Re: HELP - VBA to generate a list based on what is selected from multiple check boxes

    Consider using a userform with cascading(filters) comboboxes.
    Populated from a table-this becomes self maintaining as it expands-no need to hard code lots of checkboxes.
    The attached is just three combos there is no code on the 'ADD' button yet - just to give you the basic idea.
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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: HELP - VBA to generate a list based on what is selected from multiple check boxes

    Hi Torachan, thank you very much for replying. This is not what I am looking for, sorry I may didn't explained right.
    The only input the user will do is to add the date, the name and select the puppets. Everything else should be populated/produced automatically... so all the components related to those puppets and all the tools...

    Please let me know if this makes sense and if is something you could help.

    Thank you very much

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