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Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

  1. #1
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    Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    Hullo You Beautiful people,

    This is driving me insane and I can't work out why Excel is struggling?

    The below macro looks for the word HAUTH in column U and should delete the special visible rows. It does what it says on the tin but it takes a fricking' age

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    It appears to be the:

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    that is taking an age? Sometimes over 3 minutes.

    Can anybody suggest anything to speed this up as I have a lot of macro's set up the same way and the file can take 20 minutes just deleting stuff that isn't needed.


  2. #2
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    Can anybody help?

  3. #3
    Forum Guru Sintek's Avatar
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

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    Good Luck...
    I don't presume to know what I am doing, however, just like you, I too started somewhere...
    One-day, One-problem at a time!!!
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  4. #4
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    Hi Sintek,

    Apologies for the delay only just got back to what I was working on.

    The code you have kindly supplied still isn't working speed wise.

    Below is my immediate window with debug start and end
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    Which is still running at 2 minutes.

    I should have said that the amount of HAUTH lines can exceed 1800 lines at any one time.

    This has really got me perplexed?

  5. #5
    Forum Guru Sintek's Avatar
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    Time for a file upload...See Top Yellow banner...No ways it will take that long...

  6. #6
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    Ok, Give me 10 to clean it up and I will upload

  7. #7
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    I think I have just worked it out... the file is on a network drive and when I am running the macro through the shared folder it is taking an age. When I do it from my desktop it is instant.

    Well this is a kick in the teeth

  8. #8
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    Ok, maybe it isn't what I thought.

    When I run with the rest of my macro's this code takes an age. So I shut down excel reopen it and run the macro seperately and it is instant. So I must be clogging something up in the background when running all the macros?

    Any ideas?

    I have dim'd alot outside of the macro's do you think this could be causing the slow down.
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    Then started setting in the macro's.

    Looks like I may have to revisit all my other macros

  9. #9
    Forum Guru Sintek's Avatar
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    Re: Delete Visibile Rows on Filtered Criteria

    When I run with the rest of my macro's this code takes an age
    Problem not with this snippet of code then...Run each of the other macros separately and see which one is hogging time...
    I have dim'd alot outside of the macro's do you think this could be causing the slow down.
    See link on proper practice for declaration of variables...

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