I have one worksheet, lets call it A, where I open a new tab for each day and name each tab the date (such as 23,03,2021). Within each tab, cell A1 is always =tabname. I also have another worksheet, lets call it B, where there are tabs for each date and this is the source data. I want to write a VBA code to be able to extract a range of data from sheet B to sheet A but only from the sheet B tab named (=sheet A - A1). So from the same named/dated tabs.

i.e. I want to extract data for sheet B tab named 23,03,2021 range A2:A19 into sheet B tab named 23,03,2021 range B4:B21. And then when I copy the 23,03,2021 tab in sheet A and rename it 24,03,2021 so that cell A1 shows this date, I want this code to automatically update so that it now pulls data from sheet B tab named 24,03,2021.

For information: All data input is done into Sheet B (source data) and I would like to stop the copy paste action that is required each day, and only want to copy tab, rename and the data will be updated.
I know that was confusing because I have no idea what I am doing but would appreciate any help! Thank you!