I have written code to copy workbooks with .xlsm extensions and containing text Sales_Ledger from C:\users\howard\downloads to C:\sales ledgers

examples of file names below to be copies

BRMES Sales_Ledger RECON AUG.xlsm, BRSAU Sales_Ledger RECON AUG.xlsm etc

However no files are being copied

It would be appreciated if someone could kindly check & amend my code

 Sub copy_files_from_subfolders()
 Dim FSO As Object, fld As Object
 Dim fsoFile As Object
 Dim fsoFol As Object

SourcePath = "C:\Users\hcohen\Downloads"
targetPath = "C:\Sales Ledgers"
'If Right(SourcePath, 1) <> " \" Then SourcePath = SourcePath & " \"

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fld = FSO.GetFolder(SourcePath)
 If FSO.FolderExists(fld) Then
 For Each fsoFol In FSO.GetFolder(SourcePath).SubFolders
 For Each fsoFile In fsoFol.Files
 If LCase(fsoFile.Name) Like "*Sales_Ledger*.xlsm*" Then
   fsoFile.Copy targetPath & fsoFile.Name
End If
 End If

End Sub