Hello ,

We have to make our Macro Excel Dokuments safe and deside to sign all of our internal Macro Excel Dokuments .
Works so far so good . But now i have some Questions .
We create an GPO which only enables the Option "deactivate all Macros and allow only signed Macros"
We rollout an Certificate in the Trusted Publishers .
So now only signed Macro Excel Documents can used by an User which was signed and the USer has the right Certificate in his Certificate Store.

1. When i now try as an User to Record an Macro then i become an message that it is not possible . Ok so far.
BUT when an User opens developer Tools / VBA Editor , it is possible to change settings and safe it . But this is not nice because he then can change the Macro .
Is there an Solution how we can deaktivate this Option ?

2. When we remove the Certificate in the "Thrusted Publisher" Certificate Store then Excel brings the yellow Message "Document has an Macro insight - Do you want to activate this " because of we setup Excel in Thustcenter so that the Option "deactivate all Macros
and allow only signed Macros". Thats not nice .

Hope someone can answer this Questions .
