i have a worksheet called mulogs

first column A has dates and remaining have prices ... based on price entered i want it to check when the next date for close price is for the item. but it keeps giving #value when i use offset(1,0) for the upperval...but code works fine if i remove that and use simple c.value for the upperval just cant figure out y it doesnt work when i put in the offset code for upperval

Function findnextdt(chktype As String, chkprice As String, chkdt As Date) As String
Dim result
Dim colprefix, colstart, col, found, upperval, lowerval
Dim newdt
found = 0
Select Case chktype
 Case "BOOK"
    colprefix = "B"
    colstart = "B2"
    col = -1
    Case "SHOES"
    colprefix = "C"
    colstart = "C2"
   col = -2
    Case "CAPS"
   colprefix = "D"
   colstart = "D2"
   col = -3
end select

For Each c In Worksheets("mulogs").Range(colstart, Worksheets("mulogs").Cells(Worksheets("mulogs").Rows.count, colprefix).End(xlUp))

upperval = Replace(c.Offset(1, 0).Value, " Rx", "") + 3

lowerval = Replace(c.Value, " Rx", "")
If found = 0 Then
    If chkprice < upperval And chkprice >= lowerval Then
    newdt = c.Offset(0, col).Value
        If chkdt < newdt Then
        result = upperval
        found = 1
        End If
    End If
End If

Next c

findnextdt = result