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Choose random rows based on criterias and copy to next sheet

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    Question Choose random rows based on criterias and copy to next sheet

    Hello All,

    I tried a lot to get this output using formula combinations of RAND() RANDBETWEEN() CHOOSE() ETC. ETC. but couldn't get the desired output hence looking to check if this can be achieved by VBA.

    I've attached a sample workbook. It contains 2 sheets. 1st sheet has raw data from columns A to F and the criterias are listed in columns J to M. The output i'm seeking is to extract samples based on the criteria listed in columns J to M and paste the extracted sample size in sheet 2 i.e. Audit Sample.

    I would really appreciate if someone can let me know if this can be achieved using VBA. Incase if there's any additional information required please feel free to ask.
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