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Error in pivot table macro

  1. #1
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    Angry Error in pivot table macro


    I am having difficulty placing a pivot table on an existing worksheet, it's when I come to the step of declaring what PSheet is referring to and what Dsheet is referring to.

    Attached is workbook for better reference:
    My main data is being pulled from Sheet1 by a formula (which I need to add to macro)
    EFT worksheet is where the pivot table data will be pulled from
    EFTPivot worksheet is where I want the pivot table to populate
    Payment worksheet is what I want my end result to look like.

    But my issue, at least right now when trying to run the macro is when I'm identifying sheet names.
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro

    Hi Rebecca,

    I believe the problem is with your Sheet CodeNames. I think the errors are because you have duplicate sheet codenames and tab words. See the attached where I've changed the Sheet CodeNames and use .CurrentRegion to save some steps. I didn't dig through your whole code just the top parts.

    Clinic Macro VBA Help Sheet CodeNames Wrong.xlsm

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  3. #3
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro

    Thank you for a quick reply.

    I've updated the issue and it now gets to creating the first pivot table row command and stops. Do I need to remove "End With"?
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro

    Hi Rebecca,

    The "End With" won't get you where you need to go. I'd have to turn on the VBA recorder and build what you show on your payment sheet. Then turn off the recording and look at the VBA code it built. Then trim and hack the recorded code to look like what you want. I'll play with that for a few minutes and see what happens. In the meantime watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRW5O-7FTBU
    I'm no expert with VBA to Pivot Tables but just know how to learn...

  5. #5
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro

    I am no expert either, I went to here excelchamps . com/blog/vba-to-create-pivot-table/ and found this premade macro for a pivot table. Just amended where I needed, ran it and came up with the first error. I then did your recommendation in recording a macro, which really only works one time as it doesn't specify variables before hand.

  6. #6
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro

    I am no expert either, I went to excelchamps and searched vba-to-create-pivot-table and found this premade macro for a pivot table. Just amended where I needed, ran it and came up with the first error. I then did your recommendation in recording a macro, which really only works one time as it doesn't specify variables before hand.

  7. #7
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro


    Which sheet has the raw data on it?

    Are you trying to create multiple pivot tables?

    In the workbook you attached, which pivot table is the one the current code is creating?
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  8. #8
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro

    Hi Rebecca,

    I recorded a macro to build your Pivot Table on the Pivot sheet. Then I trimmed what didn't seem needed and made a loop for pivotfields. See it in the Module2. If your data isn't what is in your example then the names of the pivot rows will be all wrong. I hope this helps.
    Clinic Macro Again 3.xlsm

  9. #9
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro


    Thank you for building that! Now just copying this macro into what I'm using it in, it gets caught up on ShtPivot.UsedRange.ClearContents. So I simply tried to remove it and it creates the blank pivot table on EFTPivot tab then gets hung up on ShtPivot.PivotTables("PivotTable1").RowAxisLayout xlTabularRow.

    The only difference between the workbook on this thread and what I'm using is its full with real data.

  10. #10
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    Re: Error in pivot table macro


    The sheet with raw data is "Sheet1".
    Eventually I do want multiple pivot tables, but broken out on different tabs. So my current goal, which is uploaded, is to breakout the data on Sheet1 by using the filter formula turning that into a table then running a pivot table of "EFTTable" to show up on EFTPivot tab.
    The next goal is to have the "Payment" tab pull the data from "Sheet1" using the filter formula, setting it up by Table then creating another pivot table on "PaymentPivot" which is not included on the example uploaded.

    The last question I'm not understanding.

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