
Super new to VBA, and I am having some difficulty with trying to execute subs in a sequential manner. Essentially i have a base sheet that i want to work out of; the VBA will be in this worksheet A. I have an exported worksheet (we'll call it sheet1), that i drag into worksheet A, and upon importing into worksheet A, i have a code to unlock the main sheet of worksheet A and copy/paste data into it from sheet1, seen below:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("yyy")
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:R1000").Copy Range("A4:R1000")
ActiveSheet.Protect ("yyy")
End Sub

Now, this works fine, however my exports have recently changed, and they now come out with merged cells, and with blank rows. the export itself is always the same number of columns, but the rows can change. i have toyed with the idea of just using a macro in the export, doing ctrl+shft+end, unmerge, find special, blanks, delete, then saving this file, and importing this into worksheet A, whereupon the above code works fine, but I want to try to expand the VBA, so that it executes sequentially upon sheet1 being imported into the Worksheet. I know i can use some combination of:


My issue is i cannot seem to figure out how to get multiple subs to execute in a sequential manner. Appreciate any input.