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Need assistance on vba macro for Yearly Flash report

  1. #1
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    Post Need assistance on vba macro for Yearly Flash report


    I need a vba macro, which will automate the manual work. The sample file attached, consist of Master Data, which contains the raw data, which keep on adding every week.

    First step - In Sheet "Table", we have a pivot table. Segregation is done based on sub category, beside the table there is 4 sub heading as NA,EU,FE and SA, where NA marketplace is 1, EU marketplace is 2, FE marketplace is 3 and SA marketplace is 5. The calculation should be done like, NA whose marketplace is 1 for the respective sub category, would check in pivot table for 1 for the same sub category, then it should check the count value of marketplace and divide it by total of that sub category. Eg- NA whose marketplace is 1, with count value as 63 and total as 322,so Calculation : "=Count of Marketplace value of 1/Total of the Count Value of that sub category". This should be done for all 4 marketplace and for all category. As present in the Table sheet.

    Second Step - This Calculation should be added among the 3 sheet, i.e., Hardline, Softline and Consumables. This 3 sheet have the sub category. So Value should be added to the respective sheets based on the sub category. Placement of value should be exact for the sub category. Eg - Accessories NA value should be added to the Softline sheet Accessories NA. Raw data consist of only weekly data. We need to calculate monthly basis also, i.e, summation of 4 week data for 1 month. We need to calculate quarterly basis also, i.e., summation of 4 month.

    Third Step - Value from this 3 sheet, should be added to the Final_Data vertically based on the headings given.

    Thanks in advance for looking into the query.

    PTD Automation.xlsx

    Thanks and Regards,
    Aswini Dubey
    Last edited by Aswini Dubey; 01-16-2023 at 05:41 AM. Reason: Attached File

  2. #2
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    Re: Need assistance on vba macro for Yearly Flash report

    No sample file attached!
    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

  3. #3
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    Re: Need assistance on vba macro for Yearly Flash report

    Hey JohnTopley,
    Was trying the same to attach the file as it was too big. trying to reduce it and upload that.
    Just give me some time to upload it.

  4. #4
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    Re: Need assistance on vba macro for Yearly Flash report

    Attached the file above..
    Please review and provide the resolution accordingly.

  5. #5
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    Re: Need assistance on vba macro for Yearly Flash report

    Any update on the above case.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aswini Dubey View Post
    Hey JohnTopley,
    Was trying the same to attach the file as it was too big. trying to reduce it and upload that.
    Just give me some time to upload it.
    Any update, is the above automation possible?

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