Good afternoon all,

I have a spreadsheet which is used to send training information (dates, times, locations) to various people in my organisation. There are 6 different email versions which may be required dependent on the training itself, and I wrote the following loop to send the appropriate email to the recipient. The data in the emails themselves is retrieved via index and is working correctly.

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The issue I'm having is that inexplicably the loop will 'hang' sometimes, with no consistent reason as to why - whether that be the email type being sent at the time of the error, number of emails into the loop etc. For example I have sent 1300 before without a hitch, then the next time it will get stuck 20 items into the run. It is most bizarre...

Regarding the 'hang' behaviour; the envelope tray will continue to pop up but will be populated each time by the previously used email address. No further emails will be sent, and I will receive the error handling "EMAIL LIKELY NOT SENT" return in the corresponding integer date/time cell from the failure point onwards (e.g. if it failed on the 21st loop, from 21 onwards I would have the EH report for as many further lines as I allow the loop to run)... Sometimes if I allow the loop to run long enough, it will kick back in later and return to normal behaviour, other times it will not...

Has anybody ever come across an issue like this? Could it be a cache issue? Or an issue with the link between Excel and Outlook?

As always - any assistance is greatly appreciated!

A very humble FlyingElk