Hello guys,
I'm just start studying and I have an exercise to do in VBA, so I'm a newbie in that
I have faced a problem, that the operation can't be made cause of problem "Type mismatch", screenshot is added to this topic.
Basically, I need to calculate wage after taxes, but probably because of the one result in formula with dot (.) in stead of comma (,) I can't get the result.
I already tried to surf the internet, but probably I'm finding it in the wrong way.
What I need to do to get this formula alive?
Thank you in advance!
problem.pngBDAT_MD1_- Copy.xlsmBDAT_MD1_- Copy.xlsmproblem.pngPrivate Sub apr1_Click()
socnn = brutal / 100 * 10.5
socnd = brutal / 100 * 23.59
urvn = "0,36"
If combo.Visible = False Then
iin = brutal / 100 * 23 - socnn / 100 * 20
ElseIf brutal >= 1667 Then
iin = ((1667 - apsum - neapl - socnn) / 100 * 20) + ((brutal - 1667) / 100 * 23)
ElseIf (brutal - apsum - neapl) > 0 < 1667 Then
iin = "(brutal - apsum - neapl - socnn) / 100 * 20"
iin = 0
End If
neto = brutal - socnn - iin
End Sub