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Create a macro to fill empty cell with product above

  1. #1
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    Post Create a macro to fill empty cell with product above

    Hi, I hope you are well.

    I have been trying to solve for quite a while and hoping i could leverage some knowledge on here!

    We have a sheet that provides us with lines of products. If the customer ads 5 of the same product throughout the year. There will be 5 lines of code however on the first line has the product name. (see image attached for an example)

    I need a loop that will copy down the product name until another product is met. Once another product is met I need it to call the loop again all the way down the sheet so each line has a product name associated with it. (Could be 20 plus products but for this example I have only included 2).

    All help appreciated I cant seem to figure this out!!

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    Re: Create a macro to fill empty cell with product above

    Welcome to the forum.

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    Re: Create a macro to fill empty cell with product above

    Macro code
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