
I have this particular part of a bigger code that generates an email with a custom email body and an attachment, thing that works perfectly fine.

However, I would like to display the custom signature that each user has defined in his Outlook in "Message->Signatures", inside the email body at the end.

Is there any possibility that someone can help me by adding to my code the right syntax that can bring me the signature?

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
        bodyEmail = "Dear User,<br/><br/>" & "Please tae action" & "<br/><br/>" & _
                         "Dummy text" & "<br/><br/><b>" & _
                         "blablabla:" & "</b><br/><br/>" & _
                         "<u1><li><b>Bullet point number 1:</b>dummy text</li><li><b>Bullet point number 2:</b>Bla bla bla</li></u1>" & "<br/><br/>" & _
                         "*bla bla bla" & "<br/><br/>" & _
                         "dummy text" & "<br/>" & _
                         "bla bla dummy text bla bla" & "<br/><br/>" & _
                         "Many thanks," & "<br/>" & _
                         userName & "| Dummy Text" & "<br/>" & "DMM"
        If Sheet2.Cells(3, 6) = "No" Then
            With OutMail
                .To = Destination 'Contacts 
                .Subject = b 'Subject of the mail
                .HTMLBody = bodyEmail  'Body of the email
                .Attachments.Add pt
            End With
            With OutMail
                .To = Destination
                .Subject = b
                .HTMLBody = bodyEmail
                .Attachments.Add pt
            End With
        End If
        Kill (pt)
    End If