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Need to make a loop to create names from a JSON like text

  1. #1
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    Need to make a loop to create names from a JSON like text


    I am a VBA novice and I have a problem not really knowing how to solve the following problem. The VBA code needs to loop through the original text, see below, and create a list of names in the following format: e.g. Level 1 name, Level 1 name.Level 2 name, Level 1 name.Level 2 name.Level 3 name, etc. depending if there is a lower level name and separated by a dot, see the required end result below. The text is a JSON format without the values but only the object names. After each ":" a new level starts and after each "[" an array starts.

    This is the original text:

    The end results should look like:
    • identificatie.lokaalID
    • identificatie.namespace
    • type
    • kadastraleAanduiding.kadastraleGemeente.code
    • kadastraleAanduiding.kadastraleGemeente.waarde
    • kadastraleAanduiding.perceelnummer
    • kadastraleAanduiding.sectie
    • ontstaanUitOZ.betreftOZ.lokaalID
    • ontstaanUitOZ.betreftOZ.namespace
    • ontstaanUitOZ.betreftOZ.lokaalID
    • ontstaanUitOZ.betreftOZ.namespace
    • kadastraleGrootte.soortGrootte.code
    • kadastraleGrootte.soortGrootte.waarde
    • kadastraleGrootte.waarde
    • indicatieMeettariefVerschuldigd
    • plaatscoordinaten.type
    • plaatscoordinaten.coordinates.1
    • plaatscoordinaten.coordinates.2
    • identificatie.lokaalID
    • identificatie.namespace
    • type
    • kadastraleAanduiding.kadastraleGemeente.code
    • kadastraleAanduiding.kadastraleGemeente.waarde
    • kadastraleAanduiding.perceelnummer
    • kadastraleAanduiding.sectie

    Note some names don't have any lower level names and the names in mentioned in the original text between the [ ] are mentioned 2 times.

    Any thoughts how to solve this with a VBA code?
    Last edited by adrian1000; 05-29-2024 at 07:53 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Need to make a loop to create names from a JSON like text

    We need some "rules" as it certain texts appear to be "ignored" e.g "NL.IMKAD.KadastraalObject", "E", "Vastgesteld", "Breda" plus all numeric values

    Or is your result list incorrect (as I believe you changed the input data)?
    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

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