
I have a spreadsheet containing a quiz where you select your favorite picture.
I have been trying to understand how this works and to find out where in the spreadsheet the pictures are located.
The file is quite large (just under 1MB) and because of threat of viruses I will not attach it here. If anyone would be prepared to help out by looking at it I will email directly.
FYI pasted below is some of the code:
Option Explicit
Sub Play_Match(PlayerLeft As String, PlayerRight As String)
Dim i As Integer
If PlayerLeft = "" Or PlayerRight = "" Then Exit Sub
For i = 1 To Worksheets("Game").Shapes.Count
If Not (Worksheets("Game").Shapes(i).Name = "LeftButton" Or Worksheets("Game").Shapes(i).Name = "RightButton") Then
Worksheets("Game").Shapes(i).Visible = False
End If
Next i
ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False
With Worksheets("Game")
.Shapes("LeftButton").DrawingObject.Text = PlayerLeft & " wins"
.Shapes("RightButton").DrawingObject.Text = PlayerRight & " wins"
.Shapes("Port").Top = (.Range("a1:h17").Height - .Shapes("Port").Height) / 2
.Shapes(PlayerLeft).Top = (.Range("a1:h17").Height - .Shapes(PlayerLeft).Height) / 2
.Shapes(PlayerRight).Top = (.Range("a1:h17").Height - .Shapes(PlayerRight).Height) / 2
.Shapes("Stbd").Top = (.Range("a1:h17").Height - .Shapes("Stbd").Height) / 2
.Shapes("Port").Left = (.Range("a1:h17").Width / 2 - .Shapes("Port").Width) / 2
.Shapes(PlayerLeft).Left = (.Range("a1:h17").Width / 2 - .Shapes(PlayerLeft).Width) / 2
.Shapes(PlayerRight).Left = (.Range("a1:h17").Width / 2 - .Shapes(PlayerRight).Width) / 2 + .Range("a1:h17").Width / 2
.Shapes("Stbd").Left = (.Range("a1:h17").Width / 2 - .Shapes("Stbd").Width) / 2 + .Range("a1:h17").Width / 2
'grey border left
.Shapes("Port").Visible = True
'show left picture
.Shapes(PlayerLeft).Visible = True
'show right picture
.Shapes(PlayerRight).Visible = True
'grey border right
.Shapes("Stbd").Visible = True
.Visible = True
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(17, 8)).Select
ActiveWindow.Zoom = True
.Cells(5, 3).Select
End With
End Sub