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Table Caption

  1. #1

    Table Caption

    Is there a way to have the caption of a table repeat when the table breaks
    across pages, a bit like Heading Rows Repeat?

  2. #2

    Sorry ! RE: Table Caption

    Wron newsgeroup. I 'll post to the correct one; please ignore.

    "AA2e72E" wrote:

    > Is there a way to have the caption of a table repeat when the table breaks
    > across pages, a bit like Heading Rows Repeat?

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Table Caption

    No automatic setting that I am aware of.

    I don't have xl2003 installed, so I can't say what might be possible with
    the new list feature.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "AA2e72E" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Is there a way to have the caption of a table repeat when the table breaks
    > across pages, a bit like Heading Rows Repeat?

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