I'd like call a macro (to re-position the cursor) when the "+" sign is pressed on the
numeric keypad.
After looking through the help and "playing around", the closest I can come is using an
"OnKey" statement but I can't get it to;

a) recognize the keypad "+"
b) call a macro, *even* when I give it a key that it can recognize.

ex, using the keyboard "+" sign.

I tried putting the Application.OnKey "{+}", "macroname" in a workbook open event and in
the Workbook module I put the "macroname" sub.
(The close event resets the key.)

What I get is "filename!macroname not found" (at least I know it's re-assigned the key!)

So I have two problems (not to mention my lack of understanding)
1st - I'm not structuring the logic correctly (it can't locate the macro) and,
2nd - I have no idea what the code is for the keypad "+" sign.

