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Security Suggestions

  1. #1

    Security Suggestions

    As part of my attempt to secure my spreadsheet I have put
    into place the following -

    - Stopped right clicks on cells
    - added a tracker to record username and changes made
    with refrences to cells
    - protected worksheets

    does anyone have any more suggestions?

    I have heard someone could break the code if they wanted
    to by pressing a button when the workbook is opening it?

    Any more??


  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Security Suggestions

    If the user holds down the shift key while opening the workbook, macros are
    disabled. Also if they have a security setting that disables macros or asks
    the user if they want to disable macros, they couild be disabled this way as

    this would probably eliminate your 1st and second bullets.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "PG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > As part of my attempt to secure my spreadsheet I have put
    > into place the following -
    > - Stopped right clicks on cells
    > - added a tracker to record username and changes made
    > with refrences to cells
    > - protected worksheets
    > does anyone have any more suggestions?
    > I have heard someone could break the code if they wanted
    > to by pressing a button when the workbook is opening it?
    > Any more??
    > Phil.

  3. #3

    Re: Security Suggestions

    Ive revised my question tom -

    I only want the users of my spreadsheets to click buttons
    and fill in certain cells in my workbooks so I have come
    up with my ideal security scenario.

    *Create buttons for close and save to eliminate the need
    for the menu or the buttons.
    *Remove all menus * Toolbars & Toolbar Buttons, formula
    *make the page jump to specified cell on data
    entry "daily" page should any effort to type on any
    diallowed cell & msgbox saying "Please only enter
    information into the forms provided"
    *Protect against button press when opening workbook
    *Tracker in place to record username, altered cell &
    Input, time & date (file named with dll although still
    writes to as txt on network drive)
    *Stop right click
    *Password protect visual basic code diabling option to
    debug code.

    Is there any thing I have missed out, and is all the
    above possible?

    And is there a more secure way of hiding vb code? - like
    impossible to get through www.lostpassword.Co.Ck


    >-----Original Message-----
    >If the user holds down the shift key while opening the

    workbook, macros are
    >disabled. Also if they have a security setting that

    disables macros or asks
    >the user if they want to disable macros, they couild be

    disabled this way as
    >this would probably eliminate your 1st and second

    >Tom Ogilvy
    >"PG" <[email protected]> wrote in

    >news:[email protected]...
    >> As part of my attempt to secure my spreadsheet I have

    >> into place the following -
    >> - Stopped right clicks on cells
    >> - added a tracker to record username and changes made
    >> with refrences to cells
    >> - protected worksheets
    >> does anyone have any more suggestions?
    >> I have heard someone could break the code if they

    >> to by pressing a button when the workbook is opening

    >> Any more??
    >> Phil.


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