I have an excel work sheet with Polish names in displaying as for example Krzyszta³owicz - how can I replace the ³ with an ł character - the character ł is a subset of Latin so I cannot use Chr(108) as this just inerts "l".

I was wondering, if I copy and paste both characters into AutoText (which I can do, I just tried it), how would I loop through the sheet, find words with ³ in them, strip out the characters before and after it and add them to variables, so the ³ is on its own so the autocorrect will autocorrect it and then put the other text back in.

Is there an easier way?

Also, the cell which was changed needs to be a different colour and a report (perhaps on another sheet) should display how many changes were made.

By the way - I have about 20 different characters to change in this manner.
Any help would be advantageous at this stage!!
Thanks - Lynn