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Is this the fastest way to do it?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Is this the fastest way to do it?

    Hi all of you,

    I have around 9 charts in my workbook and a sheet with 9 embedded charts. I am varying parameters and noting the variation in these charts. The problem is when I change a parameter, I use macro code to update all the axes. But the following code is very slow. It seems to me that updating the embedded charts takes much longer since if I comment out that portion of the code, the changes are pretty fast. What are the ways to speed this thing up? Any help is greatly appreciated.


    ''' Update the 9 charts
    Dim shVs_x As Sheets ''' charts with 'x' (length) on x axis
    Dim ch As Chart
    Set shVs_x = Sheets(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) ''' collection of charts to be updated
    For Each ch In shVs_x
    With ch.Axes(xlCategory)
    .MinimumScale = minval
    .MaximumScale = maxval
    End With
    Next ch
    ''' Update the embedded charts
    Dim chO As ChartObject
    For Each chO In wsPlots.ChartObjects
    With chO.Chart.Axes(xlCategory)
    .MinimumScale = minval
    .MaximumScale = maxval
    End With
    Next chO

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    San Francisco, Ca
    MS-Off Ver
    2000, 2003, & 2010
    Hello Ram,

    I have made some changes to the code that should speed things up a little. I am not sure way you put the Sheets into a Variable Array. The Sheets are a collection object that can accessed by their index value within the collection.

    ''' Update the 9 charts

    Dim shVs_x As Sheets ''' charts with 'x' (length) on x axis
    Dim ch As Chart
    Dim I As Long

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For I = 1 To 9
    Set shVs_x= Sheets(I)
    Set ch = shVs_x.Chart(1)
    With ch.Axes(xlCategory)
    .MinimumScale = minval
    .MaximumScale = maxval
    End With
    Next I

    ''' Update the embedded charts

    Dim chO As ChartObject
    For Each chO In wsPlots.ChartObjects
    With chO.Chart.Axes(xlCategory)
    .MinimumScale = minval
    .MaximumScale = maxval
    End With
    Next chO

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True


    Hope this helps,
    Leith Ross

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