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import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

  1. #1

    import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    I need to import a txt file, that contains a large number of columns
    (separated by TAB) ,as follows:
    1)jump the first two lines of *.txt
    2)columns widths are [10 10 10 10 10 19 15....(from this
    point =15 for every column)
    3)import columns from 1 to 240 in sheet1
    import columns from 241 to 276 in sheet2
    ...and so on

    I search throgh google and NG reading a lot of suggestion, but still I can't
    do this (important) thing...:-(

    hoping this could help, here are the 3rd line of txt files (from whic I need
    to do import)

    0,000028 0,000032 0,000047 0,000095 0 0,00000838 0,00000052 0,00000319

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    If it is tab separated, then the column widths make no difference. Which is
    it? fixed width, or tab delimited.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "uriel78" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I need to import a txt file, that contains a large number of columns
    > (separated by TAB) ,as follows:
    > 1)jump the first two lines of *.txt
    > 2)columns widths are [10 10 10 10 10 19 15....(from this
    > point =15 for every column)
    > 3)import columns from 1 to 240 in sheet1
    > import columns from 241 to 276 in sheet2
    > ...and so on
    > I search throgh google and NG reading a lot of suggestion, but still I

    > do this (important) thing...:-(
    > hoping this could help, here are the 3rd line of txt files (from whic I

    > to do import)
    > 0,000028 0,000032 0,000047 0,000095 0 0,00000838 0,00000052 0,00000319

  3. #3
    Tim Williams

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    Open the file using either excel's intrinsic file handling or use the
    FileSystemObject if you prefer.

    Reading the file one line at a time, split each line into an array
    using Split()

    dim v, x as integer, y as integer,s as integer, r as long


    'open file

    'read a line from the file
    for x=lbound(v) to ubound(v)
    thisworkbook.sheets("Sheet" & s).cells(r,y).value=v(x)

    if y>240 then
    end if
    next x


    'loop and read next line

    totally untested.


    > "uriel78" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> I need to import a txt file, that contains a large number of
    >> columns
    >> (separated by TAB) ,as follows:
    >> 1)jump the first two lines of *.txt
    >> 2)columns widths are [10 10 10 10 10 19
    >> 15....(from this
    >> point =15 for every column)
    >> 3)import columns from 1 to 240 in sheet1
    >> import columns from 241 to 276 in sheet2
    >> ...and so on
    >> I search throgh google and NG reading a lot of suggestion, but
    >> still I

    > can't
    >> do this (important) thing...:-(
    >> hoping this could help, here are the 3rd line of txt files (from
    >> whic I

    > need
    >> to do import)
    >> 0,000028 0,000032 0,000047 0,000095 0 0,00000838 0,00000052
    >> 0,00000319


  4. #4

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    sorry, fixed widht...

  5. #5

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    It seems to be a very good idea...but I'm totally a newbie with VBA and
    programming...and so I can't complete the routine with the import and the
    looping...maybe I could send you a sample of my txt file....(about 3Mb...?)

  6. #6

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    well, maybe I've found a way to bypass my trouble by using querytables.add
    macro four times (each time for different intervals)
    ....but still have some questions about the possibility to use a dialog
    window to browse for the input file instead of specifying it in the macro...
    just open another 3ad for this question...

  7. #7
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    How does querytables solve the 256 column problem?

    Tom Ogilvy

    "uriel78" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > well, maybe I've found a way to bypass my trouble by using querytables.add
    > macro four times (each time for different intervals)
    > ...but still have some questions about the possibility to use a dialog
    > window to browse for the input file instead of specifying it in the

    > just open another 3ad for this question...

  8. #8

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    It doesn't solve the problem itself in general, but in my case it works
    My file text is subidived into columns that I can consider forming 4 groups.
    I turn on Macro REcorder and then import the text file (Data->import)
    choosing the first group of columns.
    Then just take a look to the macro recorded and coy it three times.

    So I run 4 times the query everytime changing TextFileColumnDataTypes
    property by defining which columns to take...

    ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
    "TEXT;C:\Documents and Settings\elab1.txt _
    , Destination:=Range("A1"))
    ..TextFileColumnDataTypes =Array(...)

    I think it's rather a newbie trick, but if I consider I'm working with VBA
    only for 3days in my life...it should be more than nothing....:-)

  9. #9

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    ehm...I hope you're an excel guru :-)....can you take a look to my other
    post "Definition of a statistical function..."

    I'm struggling with it...:-//

  10. #10
    Tim Williams

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips


    If you still need help you can send a file (make the obvious changes
    to my e-mail address). If it's 3MB then you should zip it first.


    PS. It helps when posting if you include at least part of the text of
    the message you're replying to.

    "uriel78" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > It seems to be a very good idea...but I'm totally a newbie with VBA
    > and
    > programming...and so I can't complete the routine with the import
    > and the
    > looping...maybe I could send you a sample of my txt file....(about
    > 3Mb...?)

  11. #11

    Re: import txt files with more than 256 col and other tips

    Thanks for your courtesy, I think I've found a little trick (See post below
    in reply to Tom ) that solve my specific problem...:-))

    If you want for your interest/research/curiosity I can send you the txt
    file and my relative solution (a veryveryvery newbie solution)

    Now I go and put my head into ice, 'cause it is burning...:-)

    "Tim Williams" <saxifrax@pacbell*dot*net> ha scritto nel messaggio
    news:%[email protected]...
    > uriel,
    > If you still need help you can send a file (make the obvious changes
    > to my e-mail address). If it's 3MB then you should zip it first.
    > Tim.
    > PS. It helps when posting if you include at least part of the text of
    > the message you're replying to.

  12. #12
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Quebec, Canada

    Here is my solution if interested

    Sub Auto_open()
    Dim szFile As String
    Dim szLine As String
    Dim tabl() As String
    Dim szR As String
    Dim iCols As Integer
    Dim iA As Integer
    Dim iFileNo As Integer
    Dim iLines As Integer
    Dim strInstring As String
    Dim intInstring As Integer
    ' szDefaultDir = Cells(2, 3)
    ' ChDir szDefaultDir

    vrtFiles = Application.GetOpenFilename("*.*, *.*", , "Fichier de Plus de 255 Column", , True)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each fileToOpen In vrtFiles
    If fileToOpen <> False Then
    bolStopAddSheet = True
    szShortName = fileToOpen
    szXLSfile = fileToOpen & ".XLS"
    Rem ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs szXLSfile
    iFileNo = FreeFile
    Open fileToOpen For Input As #iFileNo
    iLines = 1
    While Not EOF(iFileNo)
    Line Input #iFileNo, szLine
    szLine = Trim(szLine)
    While Left(szLine, 1) = Chr(9) Or Left(szLine, 1) = ","
    szLine = Mid(szLine, 2, Len(szLine))
    While Right(szLine, 1) = Chr(9) Or Right(szLine, 1) = ","
    szLine = Mid(szLine, 1, Len(szLine) - 1)
    For intChar = 1 To 4
    Select Case intChar
    Case 1
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, Chr(9)) 'Tabulation
    Case 2
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, Chr(32)) 'Space
    Case 3
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, ",") 'Comma
    Case 4
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, ";") '
    End Select
    If intInstring > 1 Then
    strInstring = Mid(szLine, intInstring, 1)
    Exit For
    End If
    Next intChar
    szR = SplitFullCabane(tabl, szLine, strInstring, iLines)
    iLines = iLines + 1
    Close #iFileNo
    End If
    Next fileToOpen
    End Sub

    Function SplitFullCabane(tabstrTableau() As String, strLigne As String, strSeparateur As String, intLines As Integer)

    Dim nLoop As Integer
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 254)
    iSheet = 1
    nLoop = 0
    While InStr(strLigne, strSeparateur) > 0
    tabstrTableau(0, nLoop) = Trim(Left(strLigne, InStr(strLigne, strSeparateur) - 1))
    strLigne = Mid(strLigne, InStr(strLigne, strSeparateur) + 1)

    While Left(strLigne, 1) = strSeparateur
    strLigne = Mid(strLigne, 2)
    nLoop = nLoop + 1
    If nLoop = 255 Then
    Rem iSheet = iSheet + 1
    Sheets(iSheet).Range(Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 1), Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 255)) = tabstrTableau
    iSheet = iSheet + 1
    If bolStopAddSheet = True Then
    Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(iSheet - 1)
    End If
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 0)
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 254)
    nLoop = 0
    End If
    tabstrTableau(0, nLoop) = strLigne
    Sheets(iSheet).Range(Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 1), Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 255)) = tabstrTableau
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 0)
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 254)
    If iSheet > 1 Then bolStopAddSheet = False
    End Function
    Last edited by Hellboy; 03-09-2005 at 02:41 PM.

  13. #13
    Registered User
    Join Date

    importing text files with more than 256 columns

    This works great.
    What would I need to do to import one text file into the current workbook?
    Or better yet, is there a way to import multiple long text files (500 columns) into the current workbook?


    Quote Originally Posted by Hellboy
    Sub Auto_open()
    Dim szFile As String
    Dim szLine As String
    Dim tabl() As String
    Dim szR As String
    Dim iCols As Integer
    Dim iA As Integer
    Dim iFileNo As Integer
    Dim iLines As Integer
    Dim strInstring As String
    Dim intInstring As Integer
    ' szDefaultDir = Cells(2, 3)
    ' ChDir szDefaultDir

    vrtFiles = Application.GetOpenFilename("*.*, *.*", , "Fichier de Plus de 255 Column", , True)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each fileToOpen In vrtFiles
    If fileToOpen <> False Then
    bolStopAddSheet = True
    szShortName = fileToOpen
    szXLSfile = fileToOpen & ".XLS"
    Rem ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs szXLSfile
    iFileNo = FreeFile
    Open fileToOpen For Input As #iFileNo
    iLines = 1
    While Not EOF(iFileNo)
    Line Input #iFileNo, szLine
    szLine = Trim(szLine)
    While Left(szLine, 1) = Chr(9) Or Left(szLine, 1) = ","
    szLine = Mid(szLine, 2, Len(szLine))
    While Right(szLine, 1) = Chr(9) Or Right(szLine, 1) = ","
    szLine = Mid(szLine, 1, Len(szLine) - 1)
    For intChar = 1 To 4
    Select Case intChar
    Case 1
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, Chr(9)) 'Tabulation
    Case 2
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, Chr(32)) 'Space
    Case 3
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, ",") 'Comma
    Case 4
    intInstring = InStr(1, szLine, ";") '
    End Select
    If intInstring > 1 Then
    strInstring = Mid(szLine, intInstring, 1)
    Exit For
    End If
    Next intChar
    szR = SplitFullCabane(tabl, szLine, strInstring, iLines)
    iLines = iLines + 1
    Close #iFileNo
    End If
    Next fileToOpen
    End Sub

    Function SplitFullCabane(tabstrTableau() As String, strLigne As String, strSeparateur As String, intLines As Integer)

    Dim nLoop As Integer
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 254)
    iSheet = 1
    nLoop = 0
    While InStr(strLigne, strSeparateur) > 0
    tabstrTableau(0, nLoop) = Trim(Left(strLigne, InStr(strLigne, strSeparateur) - 1))
    strLigne = Mid(strLigne, InStr(strLigne, strSeparateur) + 1)

    While Left(strLigne, 1) = strSeparateur
    strLigne = Mid(strLigne, 2)
    nLoop = nLoop + 1
    If nLoop = 255 Then
    Rem iSheet = iSheet + 1
    Sheets(iSheet).Range(Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 1), Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 255)) = tabstrTableau
    iSheet = iSheet + 1
    If bolStopAddSheet = True Then
    Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(iSheet - 1)
    End If
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 0)
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 254)
    nLoop = 0
    End If
    tabstrTableau(0, nLoop) = strLigne
    Sheets(iSheet).Range(Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 1), Sheets(iSheet).Cells(intLines, 255)) = tabstrTableau
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 0)
    ReDim tabstrTableau(0, 254)
    If iSheet > 1 Then bolStopAddSheet = False
    End Function

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