I am using the academic version of Bloomberg, a widely-used financial software (not the website). Now, I am easily able to access Bloomberg as well as copy the pages into the clipboard, but I am having difficulty pasting it into a text file. While I am able to use the following code in every test program not using Bloomberg, I am not able to use it once I use the function to access Bloomberg:

Dim vClipText As Variant
Dim MyDataObj As New DataObject
vClipText = MyDataObj.GetText()

Moreover, it works only if I step through the program using F8. I would appreciate any help anyone can offer, no matter how small. Here's the section of my code that is important for this particular problem.

Private Sub SendCom(comstr As String)

Dim ch As Long
ch = DDEInitiate("winblp", "bbk")
Call DDEExecute(ch, comstr)
Call DDETerminate(ch)
AppActivate ("3-BLOOMBERG")

End Sub

Sub CollectMGMT()

Dim ticker As String
Dim x As String
ticker = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
x = ticker & "<Equity>MGMT<Go><copy>"
SendCom (x)

Dim MyDataObj As New DataObject
Dim vClipText As Variant
vClipText = MyDataObj.GetText()
Open "C:\Example1.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, vClipText
Close #1

End Sub

Need Help,
-Humble Student