The code below generates a frequency distribution in range ap1:aq19 based on a bin range AR22:AR18. At every run, a message alert triggers off the usual notification that existing data in ap1:aq19 will be overwritten.

How do I suppress this message which is something of a nuisance? The use of
"Application.DisplayAlerts = False" isn't helpful in this instance. [ps: the code is called by another code as often as the source data is refreshed-and this could be
100 times in a day]

Sub Chartt()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Histogram", Sheets("wks").Range( _
"$AF$15:$AF$1014"), Sheets("wks").Range("$AP$1"), Sheets("wks").Range( _
Application.DisplayAlerts =true
End Sub