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UserForm determine WinXP windows style

  1. #1
    Reinhard Thomann

    UserForm determine WinXP windows style

    my application resizes the height of aUserForm.
    I have problems with Windows XP, because the height of the title bar
    (caption) differs if XP or Classic-style is selected in display settings.

    I need a function to determine the real height of a UserForm or windows
    style (XP or classic) to react with suitable UserForm height values.

    Reinhard Thomann

  2. #2
    K Dales

    RE: UserForm determine WinXP windows style

    Good question, Reinhard: wish I had the answer, but I think it will be
    something you need to get through the Windows API library. Have not found
    the proper call yet, but I will at least give you a link where you can go do
    some research:
    This shows how to access and set various Windows settings through your code.
    Perhaps someone else out there already knows the proper call to find if
    WIndows is using the XP or "regular" window style.

    "Reinhard Thomann" wrote:

    > my application resizes the height of aUserForm.
    > I have problems with Windows XP, because the height of the title bar
    > (caption) differs if XP or Classic-style is selected in display settings.
    > I need a function to determine the real height of a UserForm or windows
    > style (XP or classic) to react with suitable UserForm height values.
    > TIA
    > Reinhard Thomann

  3. #3

    Re: UserForm determine WinXP windows style


    See if this MSKB article helps.


    "Reinhard Thomann" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > my application resizes the height of aUserForm.
    > I have problems with Windows XP, because the height of the title bar
    > (caption) differs if XP or Classic-style is selected in display settings.
    > I need a function to determine the real height of a UserForm or windows
    > style (XP or classic) to react with suitable UserForm height values.
    > TIA
    > Reinhard Thomann

  4. #4
    Reinhard Thomann

    Re: UserForm determine WinXP windows style

    Many thanks, i got the answer:-)

    Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As
    Long) As Long
    Private Const mlSM_CYSIZE = 31

    Function bIsXPStyle() As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    bIsXPStyle = (CLng(GetSystemMetrics(mlSM_CYSIZE)) >= 25)
    End Function

    "K Dales" <[email protected]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    news:[email protected]...
    > Good question, Reinhard: wish I had the answer, but I think it will be
    > something you need to get through the Windows API library. Have not found
    > the proper call yet, but I will at least give you a link where you can go
    > do
    > some research:
    > http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/de...y_category.asp
    > This shows how to access and set various Windows settings through your
    > code.
    > Perhaps someone else out there already knows the proper call to find if
    > WIndows is using the XP or "regular" window style.
    > "Reinhard Thomann" wrote:
    >> my application resizes the height of aUserForm.
    >> I have problems with Windows XP, because the height of the title bar
    >> (caption) differs if XP or Classic-style is selected in display settings.
    >> I need a function to determine the real height of a UserForm or windows
    >> style (XP or classic) to react with suitable UserForm height values.
    >> TIA
    >> Reinhard Thomann

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