I created a subroutine (with the help from people on this forum), it works great except it starts in row 3 instead of row 1.

The spreadsheet looks like the following
row 1 header
row 2 data
row 3 data
row 4 blank
row 5 same header as in row 1
row 6 (to the end) data or blank

The first row that gets colored in row 3

Here is a sample of the code:

Sub ColorAD()
Dim LastR As Integer, CurrRow As Integer
Dim PercRange As Range, Thing
Sheets("WORK").Activate 'Activate sheet
Range("A1").Select 'Select top of column
Selection.End(xlDown).Select 'Find bottom of column
LastR = ActiveCell.Row 'Get row number
Range(Cells(1, 11), Cells(LastR, 11)).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 'Un-do previous coloring
Set PercRange = Range(Cells(75, 11), Cells(LastR, 1)) 'Dimension the range
For Each Thing In PercRange 'Begin loop
Debug.Print Thing.Address
CurrRow = Thing.Row
Select Case True
Case Cells(CurrRow, 11) < 1
CurrRow = Thing.Row 'Set Row number where found
Range(Cells(CurrRow, 11), Cells(CurrRow, 11)).Select
'Grab column 1 of row where found
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 2 '2=white
.Pattern = xlSolid 'Solid color
End With
Case Cells(CurrRow, 11) <= "B3" And Cells(CurrRow, 18) < 1
CurrRow = Thing.Row 'Set Row number where found
Range(Cells(CurrRow, 11), Cells(CurrRow, 11)).Select
'Grab column 1 of row where found
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 35 '35=lt Green
.Pattern = xlSolid 'Solid color
End With