Hi some help would be appreciated - I use this MACRO to copy a cell
group from one sheet (called clipboard) to another sheet (pointslist)
at a position determined by the highlighted cell on the destination

Sub CopyPlant()
Dim x As Variant, strRange As String

Set x = ActiveCell
strRange = InputBox("Plant Config?", "Range to Copy", "Plant")
Worksheets("Clipboard").Range(strRange).Copy (x)
End Sub

Various different groups of cells have been given 'names' on the
clipboard. When I execute the Macro I am asked to enter the 'name',
the macro then copies the requisite cell group to the points list.

I want to automate this further and give each group a seperate macro
which can be activated by a button. Initially I thought this would be
simple - just create a macro which runs the existing macro, types in
the requisite plant name and job done, but you dont seem to be able to
run a macro within a macro. Any ideas anyone? Best Regards, Andy