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Problem with webbrowser control

  1. #1
    Mike NG

    Problem with webbrowser control

    I am doing the following

    Creating a new spreadsheet

    say On Sheet2 creating some simple code such as

    'option explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

    With WebBrowser1
    .Navigate2 "www.google.co.uk"

    Do Until .ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE

    MsgBox "OK"
    End With

    End Sub

    Office2000 with WIndowsME and IE 6.0

    I've read about conflicts between gator (which I don't run - but I do
    run roboform which is a similar product) - just wondered if anyone has
    had this recently and knows the fix. My code is relatively simple, so
    it's not that I am doing anything bad is it?

  2. #2
    Tim Williams

    Re: Problem with webbrowser control

    So what happens?


    Tim Williams
    Palo Alto, CA

    "Mike NG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I am doing the following
    > Creating a new spreadsheet
    > say On Sheet2 creating some simple code such as
    > 'option explicit
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    > With WebBrowser1
    > .Navigate2 "www.google.co.uk"
    > Do Until .ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
    > DoEvents
    > Loop
    > MsgBox "OK"
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > Office2000 with WIndowsME and IE 6.0
    > I've read about conflicts between gator (which I don't run - but I do
    > run roboform which is a similar product) - just wondered if anyone has
    > had this recently and knows the fix. My code is relatively simple, so
    > it's not that I am doing anything bad is it?
    > --
    > Mike

  3. #3
    Mike NG

    Re: Problem with webbrowser control

    On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 at 19:13:43, Tim Williams (Tim Williams
    <[email protected]>) wrote:
    >So what happens?


    If I flick from sheet1 to sheet2 google appears OK, by if I flick back
    to sheet1 again I get an error in MSHTML.DLL

  4. #4
    Tim Williams

    Re: Problem with webbrowser control

    Is there an error message?


    "Mike NG" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 at 19:13:43, Tim Williams (Tim Williams
    > <[email protected]>) wrote:
    >>So what happens?
    > >

    > Woops
    > If I flick from sheet1 to sheet2 google appears OK, by if I flick
    > back to sheet1 again I get an error in MSHTML.DLL
    > --
    > Mike

  5. #5
    Mike NG

    Re: Problem with webbrowser control

    On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 22:24:37, Tim Williams (Tim Williams
    <saxifrax@pacbell*dot*net.?.invalid>) wrote:
    >Is there an error message?

    Excel has caused an error in MSHTML.DLL
    Excel will now close

    If you continue to experience problems,
    try restarting your computer

    with Close and Debug buttons

    I did try pressing debug several times, but nothing came out

    I am going to do a clean re-install in the near future, so will see how
    things go from then

  6. #6
    Mike NG

    Re: Problem with webbrowser control

    On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 at 21:33:34, Mike NG (Mike NG
    <[email protected]>) wrote:
    >On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 22:24:37, Tim Williams (Tim Williams
    ><saxifrax@pacbell*dot*net.?.invalid>) wrote:
    >>Is there an error message?

    >Excel has caused an error in MSHTML.DLL
    >Excel will now close
    >If you continue to experience problems,
    >try restarting your computer
    >with Close and Debug buttons
    >I did try pressing debug several times, but nothing came out
    >I am going to do a clean re-install in the near future, so will see how
    >things go from then

    I've come up with a solution of creating a userform instead, and putting
    the webbrowser on there instead. In order to add a web browser, you
    have to go to additional controls and scroll through the list, and I
    even got "excel has caused an error" there, but 2nd time it was OK.

    The previous error was 100% recreatable, and this hasn't crashed so far.
    Plus it looks neater and gives better flow control of how I want to do
    things in my spreadsheet, I will be going for this solution instead

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