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Run formatting macro if filename has a particular substring in it

  1. #1

    Run formatting macro if filename has a particular substring in it

    Hi, I'm relatively new to VB/Excel/etc... trying to figure this out.

    I have a spreadsheet that is created by a LabView program. It includes
    no formatting. I'd like to automatically format the spreadsheet when it
    is opened... but I'd only like the formatting part of the macro to run
    if the filename has a particular substring in it.

    ex. filename: "1-27-04 Station1 Potassium.xls"

    the macro would run and would format b/c in the path, the substring
    "Station1" is there.

    Is the best way to do this to set my macro as Auto_Open, then add a
    condition at the beginning that parses the filename and runs the
    formatting only if that substring is there? Does the Auto_Open macro
    run whenever any Excel file is opened on that PC?

    Any examples of how to search for a substring in the filename?

    Is this even do-able? If it isn't I will have to succumb to the people
    that make LabView and buy their $500 plug-in that does ActiveX
    formatting and report-making. I'd rather do it simple and cheap if

    Thanks a million in advance...

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Run formatting macro if filename has a particular substring in it

    If LabView is going to create the file, at what point will code be placed in
    the file?

    if Instr(1,activeworkbook.Name,"station1",vbTextCompare) > 0 then
    ' format the sheet
    End If

    See Chip Pearson's page on Events


    on writing code with code


    on working with LabView


    Tom Ogilvy

    "stag5353" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi, I'm relatively new to VB/Excel/etc... trying to figure this out.
    > I have a spreadsheet that is created by a LabView program. It includes
    > no formatting. I'd like to automatically format the spreadsheet when it
    > is opened... but I'd only like the formatting part of the macro to run
    > if the filename has a particular substring in it.
    > ex. filename: "1-27-04 Station1 Potassium.xls"
    > the macro would run and would format b/c in the path, the substring
    > "Station1" is there.
    > Is the best way to do this to set my macro as Auto_Open, then add a
    > condition at the beginning that parses the filename and runs the
    > formatting only if that substring is there? Does the Auto_Open macro
    > run whenever any Excel file is opened on that PC?
    > Any examples of how to search for a substring in the filename?
    > Is this even do-able? If it isn't I will have to succumb to the people
    > that make LabView and buy their $500 plug-in that does ActiveX
    > formatting and report-making. I'd rather do it simple and cheap if
    > possible.
    > Thanks a million in advance...

  3. #3
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Run formatting macro if filename has a particular substring in it

    "stag5353" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi, I'm relatively new to VB/Excel/etc... trying to figure this out.
    > I have a spreadsheet that is created by a LabView program. It includes
    > no formatting. I'd like to automatically format the spreadsheet when it
    > is opened... but I'd only like the formatting part of the macro to run
    > if the filename has a particular substring in it.
    > ex. filename: "1-27-04 Station1 Potassium.xls"
    > the macro would run and would format b/c in the path, the substring
    > "Station1" is there.
    > Is the best way to do this to set my macro as Auto_Open, then add a
    > condition at the beginning that parses the filename and runs the
    > formatting only if that substring is there? Does the Auto_Open macro
    > run whenever any Excel file is opened on that PC?

    Probably, but you would want to delete the code onec it has run (so as to
    avoid formatting again), or have a test based on some objcet to bypass it.

    Code to remove Auto_Open.

    #If Not EarlyBound Then
    Const vbext_pk_Proc = 0
    #End If

    Sub DeleteProcedure()
    Dim oCodeModule As Object
    Dim iStart As Long
    Dim cLines As Long

    Set oCodeModule =
    With oCodeModule
    On Error GoTo dp_err:
    iStart = .ProcStartLine("Auto_Open", vbext_pk_Proc)
    cLines = .ProcCountLines("Auto_Open", vbext_pk_Proc)
    .DeleteLines iStart, cLines
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
    End With

    If Err.Number = 35 Then
    MsgBox "Procedure does not exist"
    End If
    End Sub

    > Any examples of how to search for a substring in the filename?

    If Instr(1, activeworkbook.name,"STations" Then
    '... do your stuff
    End If

    > Is this even do-able? If it isn't I will have to succumb to the people
    > that make LabView and buy their $500 plug-in that does ActiveX
    > formatting and report-making. I'd rather do it simple and cheap if
    > possible.

    Yes, it is do-able as shown. $250 please!

  4. #4

    RE: Run formatting macro if filename has a particular substring in it

    If there is enought consistancy to the reports created by LabView, you might
    try turning on the macro recorder as you format the next report. The code
    created can be copied out and put in another file and saved into your
    personal.xls. Once it is in the personal.xls, it is avialble all of the time.
    You wold have to run the Macro, as it would not be set up to run
    automatically, but macros run quickly. What you have posted here, does not
    really give us enough detail to figure out how you want things formatted. If
    you have a file and want to send a copy of the formated, with an unformated
    (Two sheets), I will take a look at it. e-mail: [email protected]


    "stag5353" wrote:

    > Hi, I'm relatively new to VB/Excel/etc... trying to figure this out.
    > I have a spreadsheet that is created by a LabView program. It includes
    > no formatting. I'd like to automatically format the spreadsheet when it
    > is opened... but I'd only like the formatting part of the macro to run
    > if the filename has a particular substring in it.
    > ex. filename: "1-27-04 Station1 Potassium.xls"
    > the macro would run and would format b/c in the path, the substring
    > "Station1" is there.
    > Is the best way to do this to set my macro as Auto_Open, then add a
    > condition at the beginning that parses the filename and runs the
    > formatting only if that substring is there? Does the Auto_Open macro
    > run whenever any Excel file is opened on that PC?
    > Any examples of how to search for a substring in the filename?
    > Is this even do-able? If it isn't I will have to succumb to the people
    > that make LabView and buy their $500 plug-in that does ActiveX
    > formatting and report-making. I'd rather do it simple and cheap if
    > possible.
    > Thanks a million in advance...

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