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AutoFit Madness

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  1. #1
    Jim Cone

    Re: AutoFit Madness

    Hi Josh,

    I assume that r1 and r2 refer to cells on a specific sheet.
    Also, that the columns you are trying to autofit are on the
    active sheet (which is not the sheet that tR1 and R2 refer to).

    Range(r1, r2)).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    works only on the sheet that r1/r2 refer to.

    Range(r1.Address, r2.address).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    works only on the active sheet, as the address property
    returns a String that does not include a sheet reference.

    It is a good idea to include specific sheet references
    in code unless you know that the code will always apply
    to the active sheet.

    An example (notice the dots)
    With Worksheets("DataSheet")
    .Range(.Range(r1.address), .Range(r2.Address)).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    End with

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    "Josh Sale" <jsale@tril dot cod> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > I'm going nuts trying to figure out what's wrong with this bit of code:
    > Range(r1.Offset(, bias2), r1.Offset(0, bias1 +
    > bias2)).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    > When executed no autofitting occurs. No error either. If I look at the
    > individual ranges they have addresses like $G$11 and $R$11 respectively.
    > If I change the code to:
    > Range(r1.Offset(, bias2).Address, r1.Offset(0, bias1 +
    > bias2).Address).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    > then it works as expected but I don't typically turn my ranges into
    > addresses and they've always worked OK. So why not here?
    > I also tried:
    > r1.Parent.Range(r1.Offset(, bias2), r1.Offset(0, bias1 +
    > bias2)).EntireColumn.AutoFit
    > but that didn't change anything (i.e., it still failed to autofit).
    > Anybody got any idea what's going on?
    > TIA,
    > josh
    > p.s. I'm doing this testing under XL97

  2. #2
    Josh Sale

    Re: AutoFit Madness

    Hey Jim, good catch!

    I had thought of what you suggested and had examined r1 and r2's parent to
    make sure they were the correct worksheet ... and they seemed to be.
    However, upon more careful examination, they pointed to a like named
    worksheet in a different workbook.



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