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Call Oracle Procedure from Excel macro

  1. #1

    Call Oracle Procedure from Excel macro

    Hi ALL
    I need to call a Oracle Procedure from Excel Macro?
    Does anybody know How to do it?
    Any code samples?
    My procedure has 5 IN parameters and 1 OUT parameter.
    I was thinking of using ODBC to connect to the database.
    Please help...........urgent.........

  2. #2

    RE: Call Oracle Procedure from Excel macro

    I can't answer all of your questions for Oracle, but I have successfully done
    this with PeopleSoft using ADO. I hope the following will set you on track
    for looking at the appropriate arguments at least:

    Set ADO "CommandText" to your stored procedure name and then set the
    "CommandType" to "adCmdStoredProc"

    cnADO.CommandText = myStoredProcedureName
    cnADO.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    You don't specify if you are returning records or not; my example returns
    records. So your code might look something like:

    Dim adoCM As ADODB.Command
    Dim adoCN As ADODB.Connection
    Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset

    Set adoCN = New ADODB.Connection
    adoCN.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    adoCN.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptComplete '<this is for logon not param

    adoCN.Open "ODBC;YOUR_ConnectionString_for_Oracle;"

    Set adoCM = New ADODB.Command
    Set adoCM.ActiveConnection = adoCN
    adoCM.CommandText = YourProcedureName
    adoCM.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    'Run query and populate a recordset
    Set adoRS = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set adoRS = adoCM.Execute

    In PeopleSoft I was able to build-in the prompts into the stored procedure
    on the PeopleSoft side, I don't know how to do that for Oracle or if you even

    HTH somehow.

    "test" wrote:

    > Hi ALL
    > I need to call a Oracle Procedure from Excel Macro?
    > Does anybody know How to do it?
    > Any code samples?
    > My procedure has 5 IN parameters and 1 OUT parameter.
    > I was thinking of using ODBC to connect to the database.
    > Please help...........urgent.........
    > Thanks

  3. #3

    RE: Call Oracle Procedure from Excel macro

    Also, there is a product from Oracle called "Oracle Objects for OLE". It's
    downloadable form Oracle. It allows you to attach to the database and
    retrieve data, change data, run procedures, etc.

    I haven't actually used it to run procedures, yet, but it says that it can.

    Here's a link to Oracle's description of it:


  4. #4

    Re: Call Oracle Procedure from Excel macro

    Thanks for your input guys.
    But still need someone to tell me hoe to call a sp from excel.

    "mark" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Also, there is a product from Oracle called "Oracle Objects for OLE".

    > downloadable form Oracle. It allows you to attach to the database and
    > retrieve data, change data, run procedures, etc.
    > I haven't actually used it to run procedures, yet, but it says that it

    > Here's a link to Oracle's description of it:
    > http://www.oracle.com/technology/tec...4O_O9i_FO.html

  5. #5
    Robin Hammond

    Re: Call Oracle Procedure from Excel macro

    This might need some intelligent editing for Oracle, but here you go:

    'back in the database DO THE FOLLOWING
    'CREATE PROC spTemp(@Table1 nvarchar(50), @Table2 nvarchar(50))
    '-- example of a dynamic SQL sp returning multiple recordsets
    'EXEC('SELECT * FROM ' + @Table1)
    'EXEC('SELECT * FROM ' + @Table2)

    Sub Test2()
    Dim vParams As Variant
    Dim vValues As Variant
    Dim rsReturn As ADODB.Recordset
    vParams = Array("Table1", "Table2")
    vValues = Array("TableName1", "TableName2")
    'change DBNAME to whatever DB you created the above proc in
    ReturnRSFromSP "spTemp", vParams, vValues, "DBNAME"
    End Sub

    Public Sub ReturnRSFromSP(strSP As String, _
    vParams As Variant, _
    vValues As Variant, _
    strCatalog As String)

    Dim cnSP As ADODB.Connection
    Dim cmdSP As ADODB.Command
    Dim lCounter As Long
    Dim strItem As String
    Dim lIndex As Long
    Dim rsReturn As ADODB.Recordset

    Set cnSP = New ADODB.Connection

    'you will have to amend this for Oracle
    cnSP.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
    "Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=" & strCatalog & _
    ";Data Source=" & FILLTHISIN 'add your data source here


    'create the command object
    Set cmdSP = New ADODB.Command
    cmdSP.ActiveConnection = cnSP
    cmdSP.CommandText = strSP
    cmdSP.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    lCounter = 0

    For lCounter = 1 To cmdSP.Parameters.Count - 1

    strItem = cmdSP.Parameters(lCounter).Name

    For lIndex = 0 To UBound(vParams)

    If "@" & vParams(lIndex) = strItem Then

    cmdSP.Parameters(lCounter).Value = vValues(lIndex)
    Exit For

    End If



    'use this bit if trying to return results as a recordset
    'delete it otherwise

    'create the recordset object
    Set rsReturn = New ADODB.Recordset

    With rsReturn

    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic

    'execute the SP returning the result into a recordset
    .Open cmdSP

    End With

    Do Until rsReturn Is Nothing

    If rsReturn.State = adStateOpen Then

    DumpRecordset rsReturn

    End If

    Set rsReturn = rsReturn.NextRecordset

    '*********************end of section

    'use this bit if just trying to run a stored proc
    'delete it otherwise
    'execute the SP

    '*********************end of section

    Set cmdSP = Nothing

    If cnSP.State = adStateOpen Then
    End If
    Set cnSP = Nothing
    Set rsReturn = Nothing
    End Sub

    Sub DumpRecordset(rsName As ADODB.Recordset, Optional lstartpos As Long)
    Dim W As Workbook
    Dim nField As Integer
    Dim lRowPos As Long

    Set W = ActiveWorkbook


    With rsName

    For nField = 1 To .Fields.Count

    Cells(1, nField).Value = .Fields(nField - 1).Name

    Next nField

    If .RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub

    If Not IsEmpty(lstartpos) Then .Move lstartpos

    End With

    Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rsName
    End Sub

    Robin Hammond

    "test" <test2> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks for your input guys.
    > But still need someone to tell me hoe to call a sp from excel.
    > "mark" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Also, there is a product from Oracle called "Oracle Objects for OLE".

    > It's
    >> downloadable form Oracle. It allows you to attach to the database and
    >> retrieve data, change data, run procedures, etc.
    >> I haven't actually used it to run procedures, yet, but it says that it

    > can.
    >> Here's a link to Oracle's description of it:
    >> http://www.oracle.com/technology/tec...4O_O9i_FO.html


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