I am importing a text file into excel and matching the acccount number of column 1 with column 1 of the spreadsheet and inputting data into column 4, and I keep getting the following error message.
"Account 10001 does not exist" even though it is the correct account number :
here is the code , can anyone help me out on this.Thanks.

Sub Importdata()
Dim iFno As Integer
Dim sFName As Variant
Dim sLine As String, sAccntNo As String
Dim vRow As Variant

vFName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
If vFName = False Then Exit Sub

iFno = FreeFile()
Open vFName For Input As #iFno

Do While Not EOF(iFno)
Line Input #iFno, sLine
' account number is 1st 10 characters?
sAccntNo = Left$(sLine, 10)
' loop up the account number in the 1st column
vRow = Application.Match(sLine, ActiveSheet.Columns(1), 0)
If IsError(vRow) Then
MsgBox "Account " & sAccntNo & " does not exist", vbExclamation
' week1 in column 4, week1's amount in input line at pos 22-26
ActiveSheet.Cells(vRow, 4) = CDbl(Mid$(sLine, 22, 5))
End If
Close #iFno
End Sub