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coding error

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    coding error

    I am importing a text file into excel and matching the acccount number of column 1 with column 1 of the spreadsheet and inputting data into column 4, and I keep getting the following error message.
    "Account 10001 does not exist" even though it is the correct account number :
    here is the code , can anyone help me out on this.Thanks.

    Sub Importdata()
    Dim iFno As Integer
    Dim sFName As Variant
    Dim sLine As String, sAccntNo As String
    Dim vRow As Variant

    vFName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
    If vFName = False Then Exit Sub

    iFno = FreeFile()
    Open vFName For Input As #iFno

    Do While Not EOF(iFno)
    Line Input #iFno, sLine
    ' account number is 1st 10 characters?
    sAccntNo = Left$(sLine, 10)
    ' loop up the account number in the 1st column
    vRow = Application.Match(sLine, ActiveSheet.Columns(1), 0)
    If IsError(vRow) Then
    MsgBox "Account " & sAccntNo & " does not exist", vbExclamation
    ' week1 in column 4, week1's amount in input line at pos 22-26
    ActiveSheet.Cells(vRow, 4) = CDbl(Mid$(sLine, 22, 5))
    End If
    Close #iFno
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Backup your original workbook before try this macro.

    Minor changes in the code

    1) it should be WorksheetFunction.Match not activesheet.match
    2)1st argument in Match should be sAccntNo instead of sline

    Sub Importdata()
    Dim iFno As Integer
    Dim sFName As Variant
    Dim sLine As String, sAccntNo As String
    Dim vRow As Variant

    vFName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
    If vFName = False Then Exit Sub

    iFno = FreeFile()
    Open vFName For Input As #iFno

    Do While Not EOF(iFno)

    Line Input #iFno, sLine

    ' account number is 1st 10 characters?
    sAccntNo = Left$(sLine, 10)
    ' loop up the account number in the 1st column

    vRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(CInt(sAccntNo), ActiveSheet.Columns(1), 0)
    If IsError(vRow) Then
    MsgBox "Account " & sAccntNo & " does not exist", vbExclamation
    ' week1 in column 4, week1's amount in input line at pos 22-26

    ActiveSheet.Cells(vRow, 4) = CDbl(Mid$((sLine), 22, 5))
    End If
    Close #iFno
    End Sub

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