Hi i have been given a nested if statement by Aaron as below and i modified it to the bottom statement so that it accumilates 8hrs every instance it finds in a named range however the only part that works is the first section for 8hours but not the latter for 12 hours, can you help?



IF(COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J")+8,IF(COUNTIF(Hols2,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J")+12,0))

=IF(COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J")*8,IF(COUNTIF(Hols2,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols2,"Bloggs J")*12,0))