I am having a problem with a TextBox in a UserForm.

Private Sub TextBox130_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

Dim MyPrompt As String
MyPrompt = "Please input a Number!"

If IsNumeric(TextBox130.Value) Then

TextBox130.Value = Round(TextBox130.Value, 0)
JobArea(0).SqFt = TextBox130.Value
Call UpdateSqFtTotal

Cancel = True
TextBox130.Text = ""

MsgBox MyPrompt, vbInformation, "Pro Paver Installer Data Input"

End If

End Sub

The problem I am having is that when a character is entered and after you
click OK on the MsgBox there is no cursor in TextBox130. There is no cursor
on the UserForm. If you type, nothing appears on the UserForm. If you hit
enter after typeing, the MsgBox appears but nothing is displayed in the
TextBox130. If you place the mouse pointer in another textbox and click, the
MsgBox appears. I have tryed placing TextBox.SetFocus before and after the
MsgBox but that does not help.
For TextBox130 this is the only code that is active.

If you remove the MsgBox from the code the code works correctly. But I
would like to display a message if the incorrect data is entered.

I am using Excel 2000. I have been at other forms and people tell me the
code works for them. What else could be wrong with my code?

Thanks for any help.