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Excel Macro Distribution

  1. #1

    Excel Macro Distribution

    I have a macro that I programmed for our users to use in Excel. It has a
    button function (I don't want it to be automatic) on a toolbar, which makes
    it easy to use. The problem begins once I've created the macro and then
    copied the Excel sheet with the button and the Personal file into the users
    XL Start folder. When the user opens Excel and clicks on the button, it
    looks for the Macro under my user files instead of the one I copied in thier
    folder. How do I get it to point to their XL Start Folder for this macro,
    without having to get on their computer under their username to program it to
    do so?

    <We are using Office 2003 on a Windows Server 2003 with Terminal Services



  2. #2
    RB Smissaert

    Re: Excel Macro Distribution

    Easiest is probably to make it an add-in.
    All nicely explained here:


    "KnightRiderAW" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have a macro that I programmed for our users to use in Excel. It has a
    > button function (I don't want it to be automatic) on a toolbar, which
    > makes
    > it easy to use. The problem begins once I've created the macro and then
    > copied the Excel sheet with the button and the Personal file into the
    > users
    > XL Start folder. When the user opens Excel and clicks on the button, it
    > looks for the Macro under my user files instead of the one I copied in
    > thier
    > folder. How do I get it to point to their XL Start Folder for this macro,
    > without having to get on their computer under their username to program it
    > to
    > do so?
    > <We are using Office 2003 on a Windows Server 2003 with Terminal Services
    > Log-in>
    > Thanks!
    > Aaron

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