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Conditional formating-explaination

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  1. #1

    Conditional formating-explaination

    Hello, wondered if anyone can help? I have a macro that is suppose to be
    setting up some conditional formatting. In the cell (5,6) conditional
    formating is being applied as detailed below,
    but after running the macro the condition is set to '=K$3=$D9" with the
    other F$3 all being changed to K$3 and the $D5 changing to $D9 and $E5
    chagning to $E9, can you please explain why and offer a solution ? I am
    hoping to autofill once the condition works in the first cell.

    ' Conditional Formating for Gantt Chart
    With objExcel.Cells(5, 6)
    .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$D5"
    .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$E5"
    .FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
    .FormatConditions(3).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    End With
    'With objExcel
    ' Set objRange5 = .Cells(5, 6)
    ' Set objrange6 = .Range(.Cells(5, 6), .Cells(5, LastColumn))
    'End With

    'objRange5.AutoFill objrange6, xlFillFormats

  2. #2
    Jim Rech

    re: Conditional formating-explaination

    Select cell 5,6 (aka F5) before running code that enters a relative formula

    Cells(5, 6).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$D5"

    Since the "F" and "5" do not have $ they are relative to the cell pointer at
    time of creation, which in your case was at A1 rather than F5.

    "John" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    | Hello, wondered if anyone can help? I have a macro that is suppose to be
    | setting up some conditional formatting. In the cell (5,6) conditional
    | formating is being applied as detailed below,
    | but after running the macro the condition is set to '=K$3=$D9" with the
    | other F$3 all being changed to K$3 and the $D5 changing to $D9 and $E5
    | chagning to $E9, can you please explain why and offer a solution ? I am
    | hoping to autofill once the condition works in the first cell.
    | ' Conditional Formating for Gantt Chart
    | With objExcel.Cells(5, 6)
    | .FormatConditions.Delete
    | .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$D5"
    | .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    | .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$E5"
    | .FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    | .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
    | "=AND(F$3>$D5,F$3<$E5)"
    | .FormatConditions(3).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    | End With
    | 'With objExcel
    | ' Set objRange5 = .Cells(5, 6)
    | ' Set objrange6 = .Range(.Cells(5, 6), .Cells(5, LastColumn))
    | 'End With
    | 'objRange5.AutoFill objrange6, xlFillFormats

  3. #3

    re: Conditional formating-explaination

    Thanks Jim, all makes sense now

    "Jim Rech" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Select cell 5,6 (aka F5) before running code that enters a relative
    > formula
    > like
    > Cells(5, 6).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$D5"
    > Since the "F" and "5" do not have $ they are relative to the cell pointer
    > at
    > time of creation, which in your case was at A1 rather than F5.
    > --
    > Jim
    > "John" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > | Hello, wondered if anyone can help? I have a macro that is suppose to be
    > | setting up some conditional formatting. In the cell (5,6) conditional
    > | formating is being applied as detailed below,
    > | but after running the macro the condition is set to '=K$3=$D9" with the
    > | other F$3 all being changed to K$3 and the $D5 changing to $D9 and $E5
    > | chagning to $E9, can you please explain why and offer a solution ? I am
    > | hoping to autofill once the condition works in the first cell.
    > |
    > | ' Conditional Formating for Gantt Chart
    > | With objExcel.Cells(5, 6)
    > | .FormatConditions.Delete
    > | .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$D5"
    > | .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    > | .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=F$3=$E5"
    > | .FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    > | .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
    > | "=AND(F$3>$D5,F$3<$E5)"
    > | .FormatConditions(3).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    > | End With
    > | 'With objExcel
    > | ' Set objRange5 = .Cells(5, 6)
    > | ' Set objrange6 = .Range(.Cells(5, 6), .Cells(5, LastColumn))
    > | 'End With
    > |
    > | 'objRange5.AutoFill objrange6, xlFillFormats
    > |
    > |

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