I have a problem updating pivot tables every day it gets very monotonous. I have to physically click on "Show All" part of time drop down box. When I recorded the macro for this, this is what I got.

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").CubeFields(8).TreeviewControl.Drilled = _
Array(Array("", "", ""), Array("[TIME].[All TIME].[2005]", "", ""), Array( _
"[TIME].[All TIME].[2005].[Q3]", "", ""), Array( _
"[TIME].[All TIME].[2005].[Q3].[MM-200509]", "", ""), Array( _
"[TIME].[All TIME].[2005].[Q3].[MM-200509].[WW-200538]", _
"[TIME].[All TIME].[2005].[Q3].[MM-200509].[WW-200539]", _
"[TIME].[All TIME].[2005].[Q3].[MM-200509].[WW-200540]"))
End Sub

I dont want to have the dates in this and I was wondering is there any way of just choosing Show all through a macro?