' Hello,
'I am having problems that I hope you all can give some advice on
'I am trying to set this up so it can easily be positioned in any column by changing initialOffset.

'The first problem I am having is that when I do that regardless of where I set the
' initial offset it only works in col A<n>n and B<n> with initialOffset set to 0

'With initialOffset set to 1 I enter data into b1 and c1 and it is not reliable and somtimes will acknowledge the data in b1 but does not see the data in c1 and I get the itype not found error it wil find the text entered Col B1 but not the type in Col C1.

'and what really gets me is that I can use any number for the write to spreadsheet
'and it offsets perfectly
'I cannot find what is different except one is a write and the other an entry.
'Another problem is that I want this streaming data to also fill on another sheet
'I have tried a few things but did not have much luck and my methods gave
'unreliable results

Sub requestData()

' description vars
Dim name As String
Dim iType As String

' get description
Const initialOffset = 0
name = UCase(ActiveCell.offset(0, initialOffset + 0).Value)
iType = UCase(ActiveCell.offset(0, initialOffset + 1).Value)

' must have symbol, secType
If name = "" Then
MsgBox ("enter name")
Exit Sub
End If
If iType = "" Then
MsgBox ("enter iTYPE.")
Exit Sub
End If

' Place in spreadsheet
Const reqOffset = 10 + initialOffset
ActiveCell.offset(0, reqOffset + 1).Value = name
ActiveCell.offset(0, reqOffset + 2).Value = iType

ActiveCell.offset(1, 0).Activate
End Sub