I've been getting some help on this macro, however I still can't get it to work.
So I have now simplified it a bit.

What the macro is to do:

1. Open all the workbooks in the specified folder. (one at a time) (For i = 1 To 850)
2. "If SheetExists("Sch 20", Aworkbook) Then"
3. If the Workbook contains a worksheet "Sch 20", then copy range..

Problems is:

2. "If SheetExists("Sch 20", Aworkbook) Then"

This part doesn't work. However I don't know why? Can it have something to do with my error handler?


Option Explicit

Sub GetCellsFromWorkbooks()
Dim Mnumb
Dim Aworkbook As Workbook
Dim AWorkbook3
Dim sFileBase As String
Dim sFilename As String
Dim i
Dim Mcount As Long

AWorkbook3 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Mnumb = 102

For i = 1 To 850

On Error GoTo Errorhandler

' Set active Cell to Costcenter number / budget pack number

ActiveCell.Value = Mnumb

' Folder

sFileBase = "X:\Users\Shared\GENERAL\Christian S\05.10.28 - " & _
"Budget packs - Capital expenditure - comments\LBUD2\BFR " & _
sFilename = sFileBase & " bud v2.1.xls"

' Open Pack

Set Aworkbook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sFilename, UpdateLinks:=0)

' If the opened workbook, contains the specified sheet then do...

If SheetExists("Sch 20", Aworkbook) Then

Aworkbook.Sheets("Sch 20").Range("A1:E25").Select
Mcount = Selection.Count


' Go to workbook where the macro was ran, and paste range

Workbooks(AWorkbook3).ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Paste

ActiveCell.Offset(5, -1).Select

Application.CutCopyMode = False

End If

Mnumb = Mnumb + 1
Next i


Mnumb = Mnumb + 1


End Sub

Function SheetExists(Sh As String, _
Optional wb As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim oWs As Worksheet
If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
SheetExists = CBool(Not wb.Worksheets(Sh) Is Nothing)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function