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Import structured data from Word

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Stockholm, Sweden

    Smile Import structured data from Word


    Does anyone know of a way to import srtuctured data from Word to Excel? I have a 138 page Word document (that I can save as a text file to begin with) that looks like this:

    UL 1

    UL 2

    UL 3

    That I want to import to Excel into the format:

    The UL # I want in one column and the "hjkjfhkjsdfhks" in the next.

    Is there an easy way to do this or can I write a script somehow that can sllow me to do this?

    Thanks in advance for the help!


  2. #2

    Re: Import structured data from Word

    If the data is as regular as you put in your example, I would be tempted to
    start from Word and export, rather than start from Excel and import. My
    approach (and it may not be the best, mind you!) would be to:
    Set a range in Word to cover your data
    Create a new Excel workbook and set a range to Sheet 1, columns A and B
    Set a counter "x" and initiate at 1
    Find your UL#, set it into a string
    Excel Range.Cells(x,1).Text = string
    Find matching data, set into string
    Excel Range.Cells(x,2).Text = string
    x = x + 1
    Lather, rinse, repeat


    "mag7417" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Hi!
    > Does anyone know of a way to import srtuctured data from Word to Excel?
    > I have a 138 page Word document (that I can save as a text file to begin
    > with) that looks like this:
    > UL 1
    > sdjflkdjfklsdfjsdklfj
    > UL 2
    > dskfjkldfhjvnmsdff
    > UL 3
    > sdkfljlsdkfjsdklfjkf
    > That I want to import to Excel into the format:
    > The UL # I want in one column and the "hjkjfhkjsdfhks" in the next.
    > Is there an easy way to do this or can I write a script somehow that
    > can sllow me to do this?
    > Thanks in advance for the help!
    > Magnus
    > --
    > mag7417
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > mag7417's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=487541

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