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Time stamp macro to capture changes from one workbook to another

  1. #1

    Time stamp macro to capture changes from one workbook to another

    Hi Guys,
    I'm totally stumped...Is there a way to have one workbook open and
    capture the time when another workbook is modified? Workbook A is for
    entering names and times of employees registering for a class, Workbook
    B is looking at the entries, and timestamping them, to capture who
    signed up first for that particular class first. Please help!

  2. #2

    Re: Time stamp macro to capture changes from one workbook to another

    This is not a complete answer...

    Perhaps if Workbook A is somehow configured to activate a macro each
    time a name is entered. Perhaps the operator's procedure for using the
    sheet calls for activating a macro that first time stamps the result,
    and then performs the same function as enter.

    On the macro for Sheet A, you want it to do something line

    set sheetB.range(cell ( ), ABC ).value = now()

    set sheetB,Cell( ).value = Cell( ).value + 1

    Where Cell( ) is the location storing the index.

    And ABC is the column that will hold the dates.

    YOu could also have it send across the name so you have both name and date.

    [email protected] wrote:
    > Hi Guys,
    > I'm totally stumped...Is there a way to have one workbook open and
    > capture the time when another workbook is modified? Workbook A is for
    > entering names and times of employees registering for a class, Workbook
    > B is looking at the entries, and timestamping them, to capture who
    > signed up first for that particular class first. Please help!

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