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Password for workbook

  1. #1

    Password for workbook

    I have successfully password protected my workbook AND the VB code, hidden
    all worksheets except one that states 'macros must be enabled', and all in
    all I'm pretty chuffed. The only problem is, when the password is entered
    into the input box, it can be read by anyone looking over my shoulder! This
    may seem pretty dumb, but can anyone tell me how to disguise the password
    upon entry?

  2. #2
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Password for workbook

    Call a userform from your Workbook_Open code. Userform Textboxes can
    have hidden text (set the Passwordchar property to True).

    However, you should realize that anyone with enough skill to find these
    newsgroups can easily bypass all your protection, so you shouldn't rely
    on it for sensitive information:




    In article <5aa3dcc3130b7@uwe>, "Smarty" <u17872@uwe> wrote:

    > I have successfully password protected my workbook AND the VB code, hidden
    > all worksheets except one that states 'macros must be enabled', and all in
    > all I'm pretty chuffed. The only problem is, when the password is entered
    > into the input box, it can be read by anyone looking over my shoulder! This
    > may seem pretty dumb, but can anyone tell me how to disguise the password
    > upon entry?

  3. #3
    Smarty via OfficeKB.com

    Re: Password for workbook

    I've done it! Thanks for your help, it all seems to work fine!

    JE McGimpsey wrote:
    >Call a userform from your Workbook_Open code. Userform Textboxes can
    >have hidden text (set the Passwordchar property to True).
    >However, you should realize that anyone with enough skill to find these
    >newsgroups can easily bypass all your protection, so you shouldn't rely
    >on it for sensitive information:
    > http://www.mcgimpsey.com/excel/removepwords.html
    > http://www.mcgimpsey.com/excel/fileandvbapwords.html
    >> I have successfully password protected my workbook AND the VB code, hidden
    >> all worksheets except one that states 'macros must be enabled', and all in
    >> all I'm pretty chuffed. The only problem is, when the password is entered
    >> into the input box, it can be read by anyone looking over my shoulder! This
    >> may seem pretty dumb, but can anyone tell me how to disguise the password
    >> upon entry?

    Message posted via OfficeKB.com

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