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Retain colours of figures using vlookup between pages

  1. #1
    Quo Vadis

    Retain colours of figures using vlookup between pages

    Can colour of text or figures be requested in formules like vlookup so that
    what information you called up can be shown in its original colors

  2. #2
    K Dales

    RE: Retain colours of figures using vlookup between pages

    No, there is no way to have a built-in formula lookup any formatting. You
    would need to code this in VBA, probably by the _Calculate event procedure;
    you would need to find the cell's precedents and use that to find the
    formatting of the source cell, copy it to the target cell. Not an easy task
    and I don't have time right now to try to work it out!
    - K Dales

    "Quo Vadis" wrote:

    > Can colour of text or figures be requested in formules like vlookup so that
    > what information you called up can be shown in its original colors

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Retain colours of figures using vlookup between pages

    And on top of that, formulas don't support this kind of character by character

    You'd have to convert the formula to a value, then do the formatting--and then
    find a way to replace the lost formula (worksheet_change???)

    K Dales wrote:
    > No, there is no way to have a built-in formula lookup any formatting. You
    > would need to code this in VBA, probably by the _Calculate event procedure;
    > you would need to find the cell's precedents and use that to find the
    > formatting of the source cell, copy it to the target cell. Not an easy task
    > and I don't have time right now to try to work it out!
    > --
    > - K Dales
    > "Quo Vadis" wrote:
    > > Can colour of text or figures be requested in formules like vlookup so that
    > > what information you called up can be shown in its original colors


    Dave Peterson

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