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Checking Input box

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Checking Input box

    I'm trying to verify input given via an input box:
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    This works, however... Because I can't quite translate what's in my mind into VBA, I'm stuck with the following cases which should all trigger a failure MsgBox and repeat the loop:

    - If the user enters a white space
    - If the user enters a name with a white space
    - If the user enters a name that doesn't match any of the sheets in the workbook.

    The latter, if I'm not mistaken, I need to do with Intersect, something like (and please correct me if I'm wrong here):
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    I just don't know how to translate that into VBA.

    And on a slightly different note, can an evaluation contain ORs? For example, If (myNameInput = "" || myNameInput = False || ...etc.) Then

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Checking Input box

    Sub copyData()
    Dim myNameInput As String
    Dim fValid As Boolean
    Do While Not fValid
    myNameInput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter a sheet name", _
    Title:="Sheet Name", Type:=2)
    If myNameInput = "False" Then Exit Sub
    fValid = True
    If myNameInput Like "* *" Then
    fValid = False
    ElseIf Not SheetExists(myNameInput) Then
    fValid = False
    End If
    If Not fValid Then MsgBox "Invalid value"
    End Sub

    Function SheetExists(Sh As String, _
    Optional wb As Workbook) As Boolean
    Dim oWs As Worksheet
    If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    On Error Resume Next
    SheetExists = CBool(Not wb.Worksheets(Sh) Is Nothing)
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Function



    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "AMK4" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I'm trying to verify input given via an input box:
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > Sub copyData()
    > Dim varNameInput As String
    > myNameInput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter a sheet name", _
    > Title:="Sheet Name", Type:=2)
    > Do While myNameInput = ""
    > MsgBox "You didn't enter a sheet name!", 16
    > myNameInput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter a sheet name", _
    > Title:="Sheet Name", Type:=2)
    > Loop
    > If Not myNameInput = False Then
    > MsgBox myNameInput
    > End If
    > Exit Sub
    > End Sub
    > --------------------
    > This works, however... Because I can't quite translate what's in my
    > mind into VBA, I'm stuck with the following cases which should all
    > trigger a failure MsgBox and repeat the loop:
    > - If the user enters a white space
    > - If the user enters a name with a white space
    > - If the user enters a name that doesn't match any of the sheets in
    > the workbook.
    > The latter, if I'm not mistaken, I need to do with Intersect, something
    > like (and please correct me if I'm wrong here):
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > If Not Intersect(myNameInput, Range("A1:A10")) is Nothing Then
    > ... successful match, run necessary code ...
    > Else
    > ... trigger failure again and go back to loop ...
    > End If
    > --------------------
    > I just don't know how to translate that into VBA.
    > And on a slightly different note, can an evaluation contain ORs? For
    > example, *If (myNameInput = "" || myNameInput = False || ...etc.) Then*
    > --
    > AMK4
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > AMK4's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=504320

  3. #3
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    Bob's solution to your problem would be the way to go, I'm sure his
    code is bullet-proof, but if you're interested in a solution that keeps
    most of your original code see below (just for fun!)
    All I did was throw in a for each/next loop to check the input against
    the workbook's sheet names. I've included the Lcase bit so that the
    user can get away with being lazy and not bother with capitals and
    lower case in the input of the sheet name.

    Sub copyData()
    Dim Sht As Worksheet
    Dim varNameInput As String
    Dim booGoodInput As Boolean
    mynameinput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter a sheet name", _
    Title:="Sheet Name", Type:=2)
    Do While Not booGoodInput
    For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If LCase(Sht.Name) = LCase(mynameinput) Then
    booGoodInput = True
    Exit For
    End If
    Next Sht
    If Not booGoodInput Then
    MsgBox "You didn't enter a sheet name!", 16
    mynameinput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter a sheet name", _
    Title:="Sheet Name", Type:=2)
    End If
    If Not mynameinput = False Then
    MsgBox mynameinput
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

  4. #4
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    I forgot, yes OR's can be used in comparisons...
    If myNameInput = "" OR myNameInput = False Then

    (What does || mean? I've not seen it before.)

    Ken Johnson

  5. #5
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Checking Input box

    "Ken Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi AMK4,
    > Bob's solution to your problem would be the way to go, I'm sure his
    > code is bullet-proof, but if you're interested in a solution that keeps
    > most of your original code see below (just for fun!)

    I kept the Application.Inputbox <G>

  6. #6
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Very funny Bob!
    Ken Johnson

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Phillips
    I kept the Application.Inputbox <G>
    Now see, this brings me to my next question: is there any advantage between using Application.InputBox, or just InputBox?

    I guess there are others as well where one can use one syntax versus another, I just don't know if there's any real advantage. Someone enlighten me please?

    And while we're on the subject of my original question, I took Bob's code (sorry Ken, his came in first) and added another piece to it:
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    Two things:
    a) if one just hits the return key, Excel pops up it's standard 'formula error' message. Like when you enter a bad formula in a cell. Um, why?

    And b) I need to make it so one can not enter '0' either, which at the moment will act as if you hit Cancel.

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Johnson
    I've included the Lcase bit so that the
    user can get away with being lazy and not bother with capitals and
    lower case in the input of the sheet name.
    Actually, with Bob's code, whether I type in 'CheckThisOut' or 'checkthisout', it always matches the sheet (providing it actually exists.) I'm not concerned with UpPErlOwERcaSe matching to be honest.

    But I like the fact that there are different approaches to the same solution (essentially). Makes me take a look at both of them and maybe, just maybe, have some of it seep through into my brain...

    And the || comes from another C-like language (rather distant now) I used to code in:
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    And the usual (to me):
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  9. #9
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Checking Input box

    The primary difference is that Application.Inputbox allows limited in-flight
    validation of the data, give a type of 1 and you cannot input text. Best of
    all is type 8, as this allows you to drop into a worksheet and specify a



    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "AMK4" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Bob Phillips Wrote:
    > > I kept the Application.Inputbox <G>

    > Now see, this brings me to my next question: is there any advantage
    > between using Application.InputBox, or just InputBox?
    > I guess there are others as well where one can use one syntax versus
    > another, I just don't know if there's any real advantage. Someone
    > enlighten me please?
    > And while we're on the subject of my original question, I took Bob's
    > code (sorry Ken, his came in first) and added another piece to it:
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > Do While Not ValidPage
    > myPageInput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Which form should this go

    on? (1 through 4)", _
    > Title:="Form number", Type:=1)
    > If myPageInput = 0 Then Exit Sub
    > ValidPage = True
    > If myPageInput <1 OR myPageInput > 4 Then
    > ValidPage = False
    > End If
    > If Not ValidPage Then MsgBox "Only values beteen 1 and 4 are allowed.",

    > Loop
    > --------------------
    > Two things:
    > a) if one just hits the return key, Excel pops up it's standard
    > 'formula error' message. Like when you enter a bad formula in a cell.
    > Um, why?
    > And b) I need to make it so one can not enter '0' either, which at the
    > moment will act as if you hit Cancel.
    > --
    > AMK4
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > AMK4's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=504320

  10. #10
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    I usually go for Application.InputBox for the same reasons as Bob. The
    first thing I tried with your problem was to use Type:= 8 then click a
    worksheet tab, I know it's not a range, but it was worth a try. I got
    my hopes up when Sheet3! appeared in the text box. My hopes were
    quickly dashed when the error message popped up.
    It's interesting that Bob's code, without the use of LCase or Ucase,
    leads to the input not being case sensitive. I can't see how he's
    managed that (damned clever).
    Thanks for clearing up the ||'s for me.
    Ken Johnson

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Phillips
    The primary difference is that Application.Inputbox allows limited in-flight
    validation of the data, give a type of 1 and you cannot input text. Best of
    all is type 8, as this allows you to drop into a worksheet and specify a
    Am I correct in assuming that either would work at any time then, or are there cases where one would fail while the other won't? I'm trying to learn all these little quirks and improve on my own coding.

    Anyone want to try and explain/tackle the second part of my question (in my last message)?

  12. #12
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    I just used Bob's code and 0 (zero) resulted in the Invalid message, so
    it remained in the loop.
    Ken Johnson

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Johnson
    Hi AMK4,
    I just used Bob's code and 0 (zero) resulted in the Invalid message, so
    it remained in the loop.
    Ken Johnson
    Yesh. Bob's code works for the first part I needed it to. But I expanded it (by duplicating and modifying it) for the second part, which is asking for an Integer instead of a name. Basically the code asks for a sheet name first, and then continues on to ask for an Integer. It's that part (which I posted) that fails.
    Last edited by AMK4; 01-25-2006 at 12:22 PM.

  14. #14
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    are you talking about this code...

    Do While Not ValidPage
    myPageInput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Which form should this go
    on? (1 through 4)", _
    Title:="Form number", Type:=1)
    If myPageInput = 0 Then Exit Sub
    ValidPage = True
    If myPageInput <1 OR myPageInput > 4 Then
    ValidPage = False
    End If
    If Not ValidPage Then MsgBox "Only values beteen 1 and 4 are
    allowed.", 16

    if you are then what about the line " If myPageInput = 0 Then Exit
    When I enter 0 this line takes you out of the Sub and hence out of the
    loop. After I commented this line out, 0 results in the error message
    then it returns to the loop.
    Does that sound right?
    Ken Johnson

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Johnson
    Hi AMK4,
    are you talking about this code...
    Yep. That line is there in case someone hits Cancel. Canceling will result in myPageInput being 0. I need a way to distinguish between someone entering 0 or hitting Cancel.

  16. #16
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    I've got it! (I think)
    A close read of the Application.InputBox Help file reveals that Cancel
    results in myPageInput being False, not 0, so you need to test if
    False, not 0, before exiting the sub. I tried If myPageInput = False
    then Exit Sub, but that didn't work, False equates to 0!
    I succeeded with...

    If Application.IsLogical(myPageInput) then Exit Sub

    There is now only 1 tiny glitch, what if User inputs true? Turns out it
    equates to 1 and would be processed as Form 1. If you want to do away
    with that problem you can change the inputbox type to 2 (text) and that
    line of code to...

    If Application.IsLogical(mypageinput) And mypageinput <> True Then Exit

    I think, and hope that is the solution.

    If it isn't, somebody else will have to help, I've got to get to bed,
    it's 4:30 am here in Sydney. Thankfully today is a holiday (Australia

  17. #17
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Johnson
    If Application.IsLogical(mypageinput) And mypageinput <> True Then Exit Sub
    Happy AU Day! Go celebrate!

    Problems. When I get to that inputbox, if I just hit the RETURN key, it fails on that line with a Type Mismatch. And since it's now a text box, I'll have to figure out a way to recode the rest of it to check for a numerical value between 1 and 4. I have to believe that there's a better or easier method.

  18. #18
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    The only other way (that I can think of) is with a userform with 4
    option buttons all within the same frame. However, you are so close to
    getting the inputbox working it would be a shame to let a little Type
    Mismatch stop you. What if, as soon as the code is past the point of
    checking for Cancel versus 0 and true versus 1, you use one of the
    Conversion methods to convert it from text back to whatever variable
    type you want. My guess is CInt, which converts it to integer. The
    quickest way to view all the Conversion methods is to open up the
    Object Browser and type "conversion" (no speech marks of course) into
    the box just to the right of the search button (binoculars icon). Then
    they'll all appear under the heading "Members of Conversion" where you
    can select one then click the ? button to view the Help file. I use the
    Object Browser a lot. It helps me understand the relationships between
    all the objects, properties and methods etc.
    Funny thing though, I don't get the Type Mismatch error when I just hit
    I'm going to do a bit of experimenting to see if I can get this error,
    then get rid of it. Sounds stupid I know but whatever!

    Ken Johnson

  19. #19
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    I get the Type Mismatch error after including "Dim MyPageInput As
    Integer" at the top of the code. Is that what you have at the top of
    your code?
    Do you use Option Explicit at the top of all your Modules? All the
    experts recommend it. It can save you a lot of trouble. If you
    accidentally typed (say) MyPageImput Excel will let you know there's a
    problem the instant you try to run the code. With Option Explicit you
    cannot use any variables that have not been dimensioned. You wouldn't
    have dimensioned MyPageImput, it's a typo. Without Option Explicit the
    code would run and you would likely end up with unexpected results and
    it's up to you to hunt done the source of the problem, and checking for
    typos might be the last thing you think of.
    So, if you use Option Explicit change MyPageInput's Dim statement to
    just "Dim MyPageInput" which dimensions it as variant, the default
    variable type. That way you should not get the Type Mismatch error and
    you won't have to worry about using any Conversion methods.

    Ken Johnson

  20. #20
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Johnson
    Hi AMK4,
    I get the Type Mismatch error after including "Dim MyPageInput As
    Integer" at the top of the code. Is that what you have at the top of
    your code?
    Do you use Option Explicit at the top of all your Modules?
    Yep, I do.

    Here's the current code as it is:
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    When I run that, hitting return will produce a Type mismatch error.

    If I change my Dim statement to simply say Dim myPageInput, I no longer get the error. However, I just realised that regardless of what I type in, whether it's a number, a string, the words TRUE or FALSE, it never actually exits the Sub. I get the MsgBox coming up either way.

    So something's definitely up here.

  21. #21
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    try this.
    I've changed to variant and put the code lines that wouldn't work with
    string data back in since they do work with variant.
    If you just want the InputBox to remain in place until the user enters
    a 1,2,3 or 4 rather than show the invalid entry message just delete
    line that goes...

    If Not ValidPage Then MsgBox "Only values between 1 and 4 are
    allowed.", 16

    Also, I found two new problems (don't panic, they're solved, I hope!).

    1. What if the user enters a decimal eg 1.2 I've included a test for
    integer value, namely
    Or Int(myPageInput) <> CSng(myPageInput) Then

    2. What if the user enters a string other than true. This results in
    the Type Mismatch error so I've had to resort to "On Error Resume Next"
    which forces Excel to ignore the error. The code then goes on to let
    ValidPage = False so the loop is not exited. After that line the "On
    Error Goto 0" reactivates Excels error detection ability.

    Sub copyData()
    Dim myPageInput 'was String
    Dim ValidPage As Boolean
    Do While Not ValidPage
    myPageInput = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Which form should this go
    on? (1 through 4)", _
    Title:="Form number", Type:=2)
    'Your 2nd AND in next line made no difference so I took it out
    If Application.IsLogical(myPageInput) And myPageInput <> True Then Exit
    ValidPage = True
    'with variant myPageInput next three lines work
    On Error Resume Next
    If myPageInput < 1 _
    Or myPageInput > 4 _
    Or Int(myPageInput) <> CSng(myPageInput) Then 'back in + test for
    On Error GoTo 0
    ValidPage = False 'back in
    End If 'back in
    If Not ValidPage Then MsgBox "Only values between 1 and 4 are
    allowed.", 16 'back in

    MsgBox "myPageInput: " & myPageInput, 64
    End Sub

    I'll now be spending a little time undoing all the knots that have
    formed in my brain;-)

    Ken Johnson

  22. #22
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Checking Input box

    Hi AMK4,
    Just in case the line breaks are a problem (which they probably aren't
    for you) here's the code in direct pastable form (I hope, it's always a

    Sub copyData()
    Dim myPageInput 'was String
    Dim ValidPage As Boolean
    Do While Not ValidPage
    myPageInput = Application.InputBox( _
    prompt:="Which form should this go on? (1 through 4)", _
    Title:="Form number", Type:=2)
    'Your 2nd AND in next line made no difference so I took it out
    If Application.IsLogical(myPageInput) And myPageInput <> True _
    Then Exit Sub
    ValidPage = True
    'with variant myPageInput next three lines work
    On Error Resume Next
    If myPageInput < 1 _
    Or myPageInput > 4 _
    Or Int(myPageInput) <> CSng(myPageInput) Then 'back in
    '+ test for integer
    On Error GoTo 0
    ValidPage = False 'back in
    End If 'back in
    If Not ValidPage Then _
    MsgBox "Only values between 1 and 4 are allowed.", 16 'back in
    MsgBox "myPageInput: " & myPageInput, 64
    End Sub
    Ken Johnson

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