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Excel .Net Interop - .Net code not executing. Custom install of Office 2003

  1. #1
    Phil Rayner

    Excel .Net Interop - .Net code not executing. Custom install of Office 2003


    The we are having is that once we install our custom Excel application on
    the clients setup it fails to run the .Net code. The application is an Excel
    spreadsheet which calls a bin directory with .Net DLLs in it. It runs fine
    under office 2003 professional complete install.

    The client is running active directory and have Office 2003 Standard rolled
    out automatically. The client has a requirement that Access 2003 is NOT
    installed, as they are currently in the process of testing the migration of
    all their old Access 2000 databases to Access 2003. This will happen at a
    later date.

    We have been told by Microsoft that Office 2003 Standard DOES NOT support
    running Excel.Net Interop applications. Is this really the case? Why?


    The client has taken the following measures to try and circumvent the
    1. Uninstall Office 2003 Standard.
    2. Install .Net 1.1
    3. Install Office 2003 Pro (Complete install)
    4. Install "Enlighten Designs" custom software. (Excel .Net Inter-op
    spreadsheet with .Net binaries)

    This sometimes works, but not in every case. It does not seem to be a
    reliable / consistent method for making it work.

    The following steps seem to consistently fail to work:
    1. Uninstall Office 2003 Standard.
    2. Install .Net 1.1
    3. Install Office 2003 Pro (Custom - No MS-Access, No Publisher)
    4. Install "Enlighten Designs" custom software. (Excel .Net Inter-op
    spreadsheet with .Net binaries)

    We have tried numerous install and uninstall scenarios, including changing
    the order of installation, and the components installed by Office 2003. None
    of these approaches works 100% of the time. The client is unhappy with this
    situation and it does not reflect well on us, or Microsoft, in our decision
    to integrate .Net code with Microsoft Excel.

    What I'm hoping for is an installation procedure that we can follow, that
    will enable our customised Excel application to run in 100% of

    Thanks in advance for your help


  2. #2
    Peter Huang [MSFT]

    RE: Excel .Net Interop - .Net code not executing. Custom install of Office 2003

    Hi Flip,

    Based on my understanding, you are trying to install the VSTO software.
    I think you may need to read the KB link below about the requirement of
    Prerequisites for the development computer

    The following software is required to install Microsoft Visual Studio Tools
    for Office: ? One of the following:? Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003
    ? Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional.
    ? Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Developer.
    ? Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect.

    ? The Visual Basic language and/or the Visual C# language, which can be
    installed with Visual Studio .NET.
    ? The MSDN Library installed during Visual Basic .NET or Visual Studio .NET
    Setup, or during an update using Add or Remove Programs (required for
    installing the Help content).
    ? Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003.

    Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System Readme

    This newsgroup is mainly discussing development issue.
    For your concern, I think it would better to consult Microsft Consulting
    Service. Because it is hard to gurantee certain guide will 100% work for
    all scenarios.
    We need to troubleshoot what error has happened on the client the machine.
    But the all the client's environment may vary.
    You can directly contact our CSS for Advisory Services following the link

    Thanks for your understanding.
    If you still have any other concern, please feel free to post here.

    Best regards,

    Peter Huang
    Microsoft Online Partner Support

    Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  3. #3
    Phil Rayner

    Re: Excel .Net Interop - .Net code not executing. Custom install of Office 2003

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for your feedback. I have already read the knowledgebase article you
    mentioned, however even after following the steps in this article we can not
    make it work. We have raised an incident support ticket with Microsoft and
    they have come back refering us to this article as well. We have not heard
    any more from them even after informing them of the failure of this article
    to resolve our issue.

    I should have said that installing VSTO on our development machines is fine.
    We are using Office profesional and VS 2003 Pro and are having no problems.

    The problem occurs when we are trying to deploy on our clients workstation.

    They already have Office 2003 Standard installed as part of their corporate
    roll out.

    I have been told I need to install Office 2003 Professional.
    Uninstalling Office 2003 Standard, and installing Office 2003 Professional
    doesn't work.

    However using either Office Standard or Office Professional, I can make the
    following demo work (I converted it to C# so it would run on a standard .Net
    1.1 install without J#)
    my version downloadable from:

    The main difference being of course that this is a .Net application that
    controls excel, as opposed to an Excel workbook, that interacts with .Net

    I find it interesting that this application works even with Excel from
    Office standard. How is this so if Office standard doesn't support .Net

    The issue we would like to resolve is taking a system that already has
    Office standard on it, removing this (if necessary) and installing Office
    Pro. Then making an excel spreadsheet with .Net interop run.

    I have made available a little test Excel spreadsheet application. This
    fails to fire any of the .Net events when installed on our clients machines.
    You will need to set the .Net permissions on this to allow it to run from
    the directory you put it in.

    Thanks again for your help,


    ""Peter Huang" [MSFT]" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Flip,
    > Based on my understanding, you are trying to install the VSTO software.
    > I think you may need to read the KB link below about the requirement of
    > VSTO.
    > Prerequisites for the development computer
    > The following software is required to install Microsoft Visual Studio
    > Tools
    > for Office: ? One of the following:? Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003
    > Standard.
    > ? Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional.
    > ? Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Developer.
    > ? Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect.
    > ? The Visual Basic language and/or the Visual C# language, which can be
    > installed with Visual Studio .NET.
    > ? The MSDN Library installed during Visual Basic .NET or Visual Studio
    > .NET
    > Setup, or during an update using Add or Remove Programs (required for
    > installing the Help content).
    > ? Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003.
    > Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System Readme
    > http://support.microsoft.com/?id=828087
    > This newsgroup is mainly discussing development issue.
    > For your concern, I think it would better to consult Microsft Consulting
    > Service. Because it is hard to gurantee certain guide will 100% work for
    > all scenarios.
    > We need to troubleshoot what error has happened on the client the machine.
    > But the all the client's environment may vary.
    > You can directly contact our CSS for Advisory Services following the link
    > below:
    > http://support.microsoft.com/default...dvisoryService
    > Thanks for your understanding.
    > If you still have any other concern, please feel free to post here.
    > Best regards,
    > Peter Huang
    > Microsoft Online Partner Support
    > Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
    > This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
    > rights.

  4. #4
    Peter Huang [MSFT]

    Re: Excel .Net Interop - .Net code not executing. Custom install of Office 2003

    Hi Flip,

    Thanks for your quickly reply!
    The code sample about J# is discussing the COM automation technique which
    is somewhat different from the VSTO.

    In the Automation scenario, the Winform application is the main app which
    will invoke the methods of the Office application. While in the VSTO
    scenario, the Office application started, and it loaded the .NET assembly
    via VSTO. That can be considered as the .NET version "VBA" code.

    Due the VSTO projects requirement in MSDN document is Office Professional
    version, that is by design.

    For the .NET security issue for the VSTO, that is necessary for any VSTO
    application. That is commonly done via the caspol tool. This job should be
    done when we want to deploy the project on client side.
    Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Training

    For your concern about deployment, I think it would better to be addressed
    in the Microsoft Advisory Service in my last post.
    This newsgroup is mainly talking about how to develop.

    Thanks for your understanding!

    Best regards,

    Peter Huang
    Microsoft Online Partner Support

    Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  5. #5
    Phil Rayner

    Re: Excel .Net Interop - .Net code not executing. Custom install of Office 2003

    Hi Peter,

    Can you please advise me of a more appropriate news group to post in? I have
    contacted Microsoft Support and raised an incident ticket with them, but
    they are not responding to my e-mails. We are Microsoft Certified partners
    and have five incident tickets available to us.

    On deeper investigation it seems the client is having issues with VSTO,
    Excel (from Office Pro), when MS-Access XP (from Office XP) is already

    Can you confirm if this is indeed a product limitation of Excel (Office 2003
    Pro), that VSTO will fail to load when Office XP (MS-Access only) is
    installed in parallel with Office 2003 Pro?

    thanks again for your help,


    ""Peter Huang" [MSFT]" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Flip,
    > Thanks for your quickly reply!
    > The code sample about J# is discussing the COM automation technique which
    > is somewhat different from the VSTO.
    > In the Automation scenario, the Winform application is the main app which
    > will invoke the methods of the Office application. While in the VSTO
    > scenario, the Office application started, and it loaded the .NET assembly
    > via VSTO. That can be considered as the .NET version "VBA" code.
    > Due the VSTO projects requirement in MSDN document is Office Professional
    > version, that is by design.
    > For the .NET security issue for the VSTO, that is necessary for any VSTO
    > application. That is commonly done via the caspol tool. This job should be
    > done when we want to deploy the project on client side.
    > Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Training
    > http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/de...us/odc_vsto200
    > 3_tr/html/odc_VSTMGBLab5.asp
    > For your concern about deployment, I think it would better to be addressed
    > in the Microsoft Advisory Service in my last post.
    > This newsgroup is mainly talking about how to develop.
    > Thanks for your understanding!
    > Best regards,
    > Peter Huang
    > Microsoft Online Partner Support
    > Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
    > This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
    > rights.

  6. #6
    Peter Huang [MSFT]

    Re: Excel .Net Interop - .Net code not executing. Custom install of Office 2003


    I think you may also try in the newsgroup below.

    Also I do not think that the Office XP will prevent VSTO from working.
    Based on my research, I did not find any similar case.
    For your concern, that the Microsoft Support did not reply to you.

    Have you tried to make a phone call to the Microsoft support directly?
    Thanks for your understanding!

    Best regards,

    Peter Huang
    Microsoft Online Partner Support

    Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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